What are you doing right now?

Going to the coffee festival today, not sure what to expect.


Coffee :rofl:

Have a marvellous day everybody!

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Having my lunch. Then I’ll be doing some law questions for revision

At work…raging as people can be so rude! Trying to rise above it but it’s hard sometimes to keep your mouth shut!!!

:coffee::coffee::coffee: good morning lp family. I what you to know that so far everything has been okay in Arkansas

Just seeing that Mike will play this summer in France in the music festival Rock En Seine. (Not too far from my home)

I can’t not go there, noooo wayyyy!!! I’m sooooo happy!!! :hushed::heart_eyes::heart:🤸 :dancer: :four_leaf_clover::clinking_glasses::sunny: :sparkles: :confetti_ball::tada::tada:


I just came home from the coffee festival! Holy moly, it was bloody brilliant! I had so much fun and insane amounts of tastefully amazing coffees and agh… it was so good! Met and talked with lots of interesting people and I also got to take part in a coffee tasting competition that I apparently did very well at (was surprised I got more than half correct), overall a great day!


In other words, you’re on a caffeine high right now?


You could say that yes… but one can never have enough coffee.

Btw, I just received an email that my Chester pin was shipped, maybe yours will as well guys.


Just finished watching the season finale of Steve Austins Broken Skull Challenge. It was BADASS! :heart::heart::heart::heart::metal::metal::metal::metal:

Can’t wait for Season 6!!

Watching playoff hockey!

:coffee: + :iphone: ( :zzz:)

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Going to work… haven’t slept much possibly due to caffeine high(?) and/or staying up super late to help the flatmate pack for her holidays.

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Going to bed. Most of us are working an hour and a half earlier tomorrow (overtime!), and we have a long, eventful, busy night ahead of us. Thankfully Saturday’s just around the corner and I’ll have two whole days of nothing.

Happy Friday the 13th!

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At work but on my lunch…listening to music!

and when do you pack your yours @evooba? :sunny: :blush: @LP13413 stay strong :muscle:t2: and is it cool that you seem to think about Friday 13th same as me :stuck_out_tongue:

Starting the weekend with music, about to buy the buy the tickets for Paris :heart_eyes: :tada:


Yaaaayyyy!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face::hugs: :hugs: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: soooo happy for you!!

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Yayyy congrats @theearlywalker ! It will be awesome for sure!


Awww :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I AM HYPED :joy:, thanx @AJ_7 and Lpfan61 it’s so nice that you are celebrating the moment with me :tada::unicorn::yellow_heart: thank you so much- and IT IS DONE :muscle:t2::sunny: :man_dancing: