What are you doing right now?

Getting a headache from reading my college homework

Passed the written portion of the driving test. I now see for myself why so many idiots have a license. Its gotta be the easiest test ever. :joy:


@AJ_7 thank you! Already home and relaxing :slight_smile:

@raz7 Good luck, thankfully I didn’t have to pay too much.


Just got home from school and I have to finish my college homework that is due by midnight tonight and work on my short story for English

@raz7 is anything INSIDE the EU anymore? lol! And i’d have thought that they would have had an EU distributor rather than coming from the US…that seems a little lame…

@intheend celebrate the fact we have new music, and that the guys see a future for them, and they are not going to let this ‘define’ them or ruin them. Celebrate that they are OK. And that we are OK. Give yourself a carrot, cos you are OK too! :hugs:

@rorybourdon wear a beanie…and when you get home, a warm wet facecloth over the eyes - the beanie stops your head from exploding. The warm facecloth is just nice and relaxing. No more wine for you till it’s gone!

It’s SATURDAY…yeah!..Plotting on how to piss off the neighbour cos he’s an ignorant selfish pooptard of epic proportions.


To make mine mad all I would have to do was blast Hybrid Theory at 6 in the morning so maybe that @neeksnz


Yeah - that’s pretty much the only thing I come up with so far…LOL.

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Oh, over here the beanie is like a staple clothing item. Everyone has one! I use them to keep my ears warm, and keep my hair intact, and when I feel I got a tension headache, it’s great cos it feels like someone is hugging my head. Even in the summer they are useful - cos of the wind…LOL!

I was gonna say - I seen you with a hat on…LOL

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Cooking pizza mmmmmmmm

Having tea, listening to music…


Lol I have been sipping on Jasmin green tea suuuper good

Green tea is my least favourite. I’m drinking a blackcurrant berry one right now.


Raspberry black tea…


Black tea with a little bit of peach syrup :yum:


Mmm I’ll have to try that…

Chia tea is my other go to fav

Why on earth would you add syrup to your tea?

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Flavor…it get to be the same and I don’t add sugar… So flavor is a sweet addition

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I think the real question is why wouldn’t you??

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