What are you doing right now?

Finding a new routine to the day, finally work tomorrow!!! :heart_eyes: been ticked off at being off for so many days :man_facepalming:


Heey bro, finally you are back :grinning: how are you doing??

Ot: Starting my day with coffee :coffee: :grinning:

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I’m good :slight_smile: I’ve been around but more like observing haha started school and been doing more stuff to keep busy but finally had a little time for here :sweat_smile:
How are you doing?:slight_smile: have you been keeping out of trouble? :thinking: hehe


Hahaha yes… I do my very best to get rid of any trouble- and it works… the trick is to keep breathing :blush:, happy to hear you are this motivated - and you are not the only lurker here :joy::joy:… good night to you and @LP13413

Ot: shower and heading to work- have a great day all you lovely people :sunny:


Unwinding after work, trying to keep warm from the bitter cold outside. I just had ice cream, too.

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Barely slept last night, the wind was so strong and loud it was pissing me off. :confused: Getting ready to head to work now…

Trying to get rid of the cold.

Eating illegal breakfast


So I was catching up with the posts and it’s hilarious cos…

@evooba - I too woke up and wanted to go back to bed
@georkost - I too didn’t have coffee…until much later in the day than usual
@raz7 & @evooba - I too had a nap before my Osteo appointment (while working from home…shhhhh don’t tell anyone)
@LP13413 - I’ve been rubbing cream on my foot cos it got swollen after a mozzie bite and it’s still sore I can’t hardly walk proper on it
@rorybourdon what is an illegal breakfast? I had illegal chocolate

and right now I’m lurking the forums and catching up on the goss before going to bed!


Illegal as I took stuff from work and I ate it. This is why it’s illegal


Oh - well…yes, that is slightly illegal… I hope it tasted good, free stuff always tastes better…


Yeah it did :slight_smile:


Ok… So… It finally happened… It is not officially summer in NZ till I’ve been bitten by a mozzie on the ass… And I’m proud to say that I have been bitten twice on the ass this evening.
I therefore declare summer has landed.

Reaching for the calamine lotion now… :open_mouth::sweat_smile::sunglasses:



Getting ready for another day of. school

Working right now. Have a blessed day lp family

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Oh, my… these school medics. Available only on Thursday and Friday, usually roaming around the school. Almost nothing at the medical cabinet, the strongest is anti-allergical antibiotic… I had a belly problem and they do have nothing better that one kind of medicine which I’ve got to take a pack of if I want it to work. I don’t blame them, they’ve got child medicine and I’m almost two meter height and 98kg

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It’s a British programme by the BBC that is all about reviewing cars, with some interesting challenges. Originally made in the 1970’s, it was then relaunched in 2002 with Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. They would use a track (called the test track) along with The Stig - a tame racing driver.

If you like fast cars with humour, this is the programme for you!

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Working on my debate for my political science class

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What theme? @turners34??

Ot: cooking :blush: