What are you doing right now?

Thank you! :slight_smile:


I have a terrible headache all of a sudden…

@NickGr Go with something from Korg or Akai.


Good for you for realizing that!

Welcome @Sara_celsa

On topic: work

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I’ve found a very nice Korg keyboard with BT and a lot of functions
Money. Why does everything in this world counts with money? I think i’ll wait till my bday as I usually receive some money which should be enough – or maybe even tell my parents i’m working with music and want some gear as bday present (the keyboard im talking about is a decent priced one actually)

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School is over now me time @theearlywalker and I survived

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I’m wondering the same :stuck_out_tongue: I need to get a stand for mine but a decent one is kind of expensive.

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Oh. I’ve no idea bout’ that. Maybe @rickvanmeijel knows? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve actually found another one but its pretty expensive

I don’t have much experience with midi controllers, but I think it doesn’t really matter which brand you choose. I do know lots of people prefer Korg, so it should be good

wow Nick @NickGr, that looks like the things Joe plays with, veeery niiice :slight_smile:

@Lilyope stay strong dear, you will make it and go to bed early, some hot milk with honey (lool @Honey8 :hugs:saw you were here today, sooo nice)

plug is back guys


See it as a chance to change one of his supporter’s minds
Obviously it’s difficult to ignore some stuff but everyone has valid points…
if people were informed about it things would be much different
It’s been on my mind since yesterday when I got my tax form- one of the biggest points is that people are getting a free ride or mooching off govt without paying taxes yet here I am ready to pay mine- family has never had government assistance aside from cheaper healthcare or school help that everyone gets-I rarely go to doc cuz I have to pay out of pocket but It’s paid whether payments or not

It’s people just putting blame on a select group-but they’re right about some people working the system, it happens but the problem is it’s not just one group it’s people from many places who think they can collect unemployment and benefits and crap
But it’s typically not that group as much as they want to say it is… I’m one person out of millions but I work sometimes 7 days a week to keep family afloat, nothing at all is ever given it’s earned

The smartest thing I ever heard someone say on the matter is to sit down and have a cup of coffee with an adversary. Protesting and acting out of line will solve nothing if you can’t convince one single person to think just a tiny bit differently


surfing the internets

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Home getting ready to make my doctor appointment for my back and eyes doctor . How was everyone day

drinkin wine and watching tv show

have a good night lpu and tonight especially you @lauralou:hugs: (man this is rhyming… and I hope it reaches you dear sis, stay strong :muscle: )

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Downloading and watching videos on youtube

Staying in watching You Tube videos and Ohio is under winter storm warning they say that we could get an inch of ice and a lot of snow which is bad because I hate snow

Thank you so much for Advice cause after i was signing in my head I started to really clam down yeah listening to music really helps me clam down and also writing it to help s so thanks @theearlywalker

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Trying to get some sleep cause it almost 11pm where I live and I have to be up at 5 to get ready for school so good night soilders

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Have a good night and enjoy the school day!

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