What are you doing right now?

watching friends and icing my bicep

Trying to get out of vacuuming :grin:

Listening to the Backstreet Boys

Really?! for a housefly? :hushed: And who makes a slow motion video of killing housefly? :roll_eyes: :neutral_face:

Trying to sleep. My cousin has a party now (there’s 1:13 right now) and I can’t sleep well with that noise.

Very funny, @intheend.

I think @the_termin8r’s words sum it best:

Studying Economics…then will be going out with family.
Family outings are really boring for me…Still remember that 5hr shopping!
Argh!! that was soooo boring!!!

Eating breakfast…and then cooking…exciting morning…:slight_smile:


Making my lunch.

Came home…had dinner…back to economics

Procrastinating… I want to do some things…instead I am just being lazy!

Silence!!! I want Timmy!!! How do I know he’s not dead D;

@aaran no you odd hooman.

I was reading Mike Shinoda’s twitter…

Why people are so mean to him??

Just came home, work was insane today and I went out with family for dinner. I’m so damn tired!

What you mean? D:<

watching big brother :smiley:

Fresh in from a bike ride, setting down with Family Guy.

There are some people who are not trying to be funny, they are just mean… If you don’t have a twitter acount you can still read it… ]
