Yesssss I tasted the blood, now I can’t go back mwhuahaha
Damn! I have to go. Come back later, and please keep killing topic :’)
Looool- you are even more sympathetic with this new attitute
Ot: making a new experience with the killer squad
I’m not that guy anymore
Youuuuu guys!!!the thread is here!
Damn… I guess we gotta kill that thread first
Now we move to kill the last letter game
You guys are nuts, love you people
I felt like I was watching piranhas go after a meal
Why didn’t you join us? Could’ve used more help
It was the pure adrenaline run @framos1792 and next time you and @lpfan61 make sure to give power to the killers- squad
Ot: writing a post with the Cologne-Shinoda group for the flashmob to make it BIG
Why am I at work when all the fun happens here? lol
What did you do guys? I’m so lost.
I’m lost. Why are we on this one?
@evooba and @raz7 the "what are you doing"thread was closed since it reached 10k posts, so now you can post on Framos’s thread or well this one too that is a duplicate…
I didn’t think it was possible in the new system to automatically close threads.
On topic, going through my YouTube subscriptions before bed.
I don’t think so either, that’s why they’re either merged or closed and forgotten
Seems like this is the new thread? Ok, until I have no further info, taking it to go, but please @jFar920 can you merge it with this one?
And thanx , goodnight @lp13413
Ot: and
- business as usually
Huh what?! New thread! And also 33 unread! That’s proves i am so lost yo!
Rn came from 2k run… getting back to work!