What about Rise Against? ;)

Okay, it’s official. I’m seeing them twice this tour. January 30th in Poughkeepsie, and May 8th in Syracuse. With A Day To Remember, The Mezingers are playing the first time, Title Fight’s playing the second show

[quote=LP13413]Okay, it’s official. I’m seeing them twice this tour. January 30th in Poughkeepsie, and May 8th in Syracuse. With A Day To Remember, The Mezingers are playing the first time, Title Fight’s playing the second show

I’ve seen them last year live at Munich :slight_smile:
And I’ll see them this year at Stuttgart :slight_smile: and maybe I’ll meet them there… :slight_smile:

[quote=ShineyShadow]I’ve seen them last year live at Munich :slight_smile:
And I’ll see them this year at Stuttgart :slight_smile: and maybe I’ll meet them there… :)[/quote]

U r lucky!!! I missed them in Munich :((

[quote=lpfreak91][quote=VixLP]i love Rise Against! i saw them on 6-4-11 at KROQ Weenie Roast 2011 @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine, CA!
they were awesome live! :)[/quote]
i also saw them at that concert. rise against comes to san diego in april so i got a ticket to see them again.i like them alot but nowhere as much as i love LP. i really cant wait til i can see linkin park again in concert[/quote]

i barely saw your reply. you’re lucky you get to see them in April! i loved them at weenie roast. i know, i can’t wait till LP comes back to CA! hopefully we hear something soon :slight_smile:

[quote=ShineyShadow]I’ve seen them last year live at Munich :slight_smile:
And I’ll see them this year at Stuttgart :slight_smile: and maybe I’ll meet them there… :)[/quote]
I’m going to see them in stuttgart too :slight_smile:
and I met them last year in Mainz after the show. Cool guys :slight_smile:

i love their music but i dont like the band itself… they present their political views without understanding its meaning, which is a result of lack of research about those political topics…

[quote=wiiesel][quote=ShineyShadow]I’ve seen them last year live at Munich :slight_smile:
And I’ll see them this year at Stuttgart :slight_smile: and maybe I’ll meet them there… :)[/quote]
I’m going to see them in stuttgart too :slight_smile:
and I met them last year in Mainz after the show. Cool guys :)[/quote]

That’s great! :smiley: I hope I’ll meet them too this year :slight_smile:

Rise Against is my second favorite band. My brother ask me if i would like to go with him to a concert (rise against) he play the song savior and say this is the band would you go with me. I take a minute and think about that and then i go to my first rise concert at the evening of the day on which i heard rise for the first time and it was a great concert

Sorry but my english is not very well :slight_smile:

What an amazing show. Definitely a band worth seeing Rise Against live. One down, one to go

A couple thumbnails (click to view)

I saw them yesterday for the second time.
It was a great show. Had so much fun. Also the setlist was pretty good. Love these guys ^^

They’re AWESOME. Just saw them live. (If you’re interested, read my latest blog :wink: )

Only the second greatest band ever! Saw them live WITH LP at the KROQ Weenie Roast… greatest show ever :smiley:

yeah they’re really good :slight_smile: i like them and i’ve got 3 albums of them :slight_smile:

Guess what I’ll be doing this week (when I can schedule it)?

[i]They are just beautiful! Not a day without them.
Their music is magical. And Tim … oh, Tim. He genius, his voice is unique.
How I love them.

They are now in second place after the LP. BUT I love them no less.

[size=4](sorry for the mistakes, if any. I’m from Ukraine).[/size]

i love them
i saw them live last month and the show was amazing!!!

They’re pretty good, saw them live twice in Portland, OR.
Gotta say though, I kind of don’t like being harassed by PETA at shows (idk if they do that at all shows or not), and being bombarded by lyrics that are almost always political, even if I don’t completely disagree. Good in small doses, I suppose.

I like them tooo baha no surprise there :smiley:

The Sufferer And The Witness is so awesome! Really great album, listen to it very often :slight_smile: