Weather and climate

Sorry, couldn’t find a shorter one

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Why no? This is most definitely a yes. It needs to get colder.

wow cold weather

here sun came out after long rainy days, atleast a bit peace but humidity always kills here

You know my preferences, I’m on the warmer side of the spectrum :smile:

Same over here. Sometimes I feel like I live in a tropical rainforest, it’s bloody disgusting

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where are you exactly?

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He’s in NL. :joy:

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Where is NL? Lol dont laugh at me for my lack of knowledge :sweat_smile:

The Netherlands.

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I thought so! :grin: was trying to remember the acronyms of countries lol

Netherlands indeed as @the_termin8r says. You wouldn’t guess it but the humidity can be over the top sometimes. We Dutchies also complain that the weather’s never 100 percent right, there’s always something slightly wrong about it :smile:


humidity here in my place is also high and happens almost every day, once you come to visit my country here, the first thing you could feel is the humidity and hot weather lol typical tropical countries :boom: :sweat_drops:

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Indonesia right? I might be completely wrong. In that case though, I’ll probably never visit your country :joy:

right hahahahha i thought so! people from western usually think twice they would ever come back again to my country after their first visit lol its all because of the weather :joy:

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