Weather and climate

I hate it like hell. I never liked summer… it’s most annoying for me :hot_face:

You’ve got it bad because it’s humid on your side too.

My ideal temps are between 18-25C and sunny. I don’t tolerate anything over that and I enjoy the occasional rain in between. I am sure I’m going to love this week with the weather forecast we have, and we bloody need that rain, the parks are already looking yellow from drying out.

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I can’t sleep properly in anything over 20. I’ve been knackered for the past few weeks. It’s like I’m still going to uni.

After the cyclones passed it’s hot and humid and it rains sometimss but at nights it’s cold…

Usually rains comes from south west but since few days it’s coming from east i dunno what’s happening world geography has gone mad :woozy_face:

Room temp at 32℃ and climbing, sun isn’t even blasting my room yet. The only thing that hates this weather more than I is my laptop. Fans are always on and it’s idiling at 60, it’s typically in the mid 40s.


The heat is hopefully over after today but I agree with you as it’s also difficult to sleep overnight with temperatures like this (although I know other countries are much worse!). On a side note, I prefer the winter Olympics to the summer so I’m obviously just a cold person :laughing:

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I don’t see myself sleeping at all tonight. Temp peaked at 33, currently 30.

Yes, but a lot of them have air con.

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Did you try some stuff to get the temperature down?

Thick, closed curtains and window during the day.

At night shutting off all electrical devices.

Room door and windows open.

Putting up cold wet towels in the air stream.

Frozen water in front of the ventilator.

Cold shower.

Wet socks in the freezer.

I don’t have much in the way of options, but otherwise, yes.

This is how I typically sit in my room, regardless of weather. When it’s hot, it makes the problem 10 times worse, turns the room into a greenhouse.

I do this, obviously, but my laptop and amp don’t contribute that much to ambient temps.

Tried that, doesn’t actually work as well it’s supposed to, I just end up annoying everyone downstairs with my music and they annoy me with their noises.

This is just a way to increase humidity, also I have nowhere to hang them up or an air stream to hang them in in the first place.

My dad suggested this last summer, sounded daft when he said it and it was. All it did was block the air flow from the already crappy fan.

This works, but I can’t stay in the shower for hours on end (as much as I want to). lol

This sounds like a way to get ill. Also our fridge/freezer is complete and utter shite. So shite in fact that it has periods every other week where it has to be hard reebooted every 4 or so hours…Yes… a motherfucking fridge has to be hard rebooted…a fridge.

Did you know I haven’t had a real ice cream in over 2 years? All the ice cream that comes out of our freezer is soft mush that probably isn’t safe to eat or rock solid and crunchy because of all the ice crystals that have formed in it. It either doesn’t work or we have to scrape literal ice sheets out of it regularly. The adjustment knobs don’t actually do anything, I think they’re there just as decoration.

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So no help at all. Sorry, I just hate, when it is that hot. Already thought about taking camp in our mouldy basement :joy:
But luckily it isn’t that warm yet.
And I go back on the island working next week, it’s not so hot there.

Headphones? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh, hm stumbled over lots of recommendation in that direction.

How about a new freezer? At least if it’s an old one, it sucks up that much more energy, that you have the new one accumulated in no time.

They’re open back, my sister has complained that she can hear them through my door. They’ll roast my ears as well. lol

My mum is the one stopping us from getting a new one because she thinks the landlord will increase our rent if he has to buy a new one. We can’t just buy our own one and replace it because apparently there’s some stupid clause in the contract that says we can’t just get rid of their appliances as we please (even if we’re getting a better one). So if we buy our own fridge, we won’t have anywhere to put theirs.

As far as we can work out, it’s not actually broken, it’s just that rubbish. Apparently my parents read online that people are complaining about this kind of nonsense from fridges of the same brand in general.

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I’m one of those who can’t sleep with the window open because I like absolute quiet. I did manage to sleep as it eventually cooled down a bit. Tonight should be better. A shower before bed helps and a cold drink. I just use a fan, no air con either.

I need silence, pitch black and cold. I’m a very picky sleeper. Ended up going to bed at around 05:00.

I have a shitty desk fan I’ve been meaning to stick a massie power drill motor into. I should get around to it. lol

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Ear plugs my friend and blackout blinds :laughing: You need one of those disaster movie fans, have a hurricane!

Temperature’s going down today, thank goodness. Past few days were exhausting


Yeah, it’s tolerable today, we even had rain.


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I hope it doesn’t get to that in my area, but given that it’s 31 in the shade right now, I haven’t got my hopes up.


We were 37 at about 3pm today!

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