Weather and climate

So you mean its cold in UK and Russia and not in London… ?

London is in the UK lol. I’m saying it doesn’t get cold enough over here to need soup to warm you up. As for in Russia the soup would freeze before you can get it to your mouth. :joy:


Oh damn it.! How such silly think got out of my head!!
Okay. I dunno the exact Temp. But yeah Russia is quite cold

This is here these days


Lucky you lol. 0 - +2 here today. In the morning it was icy and slicky

I know @NickGr that’s why i told to take care :slightly_smiling_face::hugs:

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@the_termin8r How is -2 not cold? Lol

Have I told you lately how much I hate rain???

When was it -2? The coldest I experienced today was 6.

Early this morning, around 7:30-ish. It was 4 but feeling was like -2.

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That’s too hot!!

Yeah i know. :confused:

And that’s soo amazing weather! Winters!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

It just cold

Finally snowing!!!


It’s 54 over here in San Francisco weather is perfect kinda cold but no wind

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54 Celsius??? :no_mouth:

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Its 28 degree celsius here in Singapore, unfortunately the only season we have all year round is summer. Thankfully i travel frequently and have experienced all seasons…


I think fahrenheit 54 here in San francisco

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It’s snowing a freaking lot here right now. Let’s see if it’ll stick…

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It snowed here earlier for like 5 mins lol.

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