Videos: LPU Exclusives page does not load

When I try to access the LPU Exclusives page, I find a blank screen. I’m assuming this is due to all the changes with the site changing over and not my account. Unless I’m mistaken.


It’s probably because your account still says it doesn’t have an LPU membership. I tried with my account and it loads, but I tried with my dummy account and nothing appears

I just tried it myself. It’s indeed working just fine. Check your account, see if it’s set up right.

I saw that ninja edit :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hahaha! I realized I wasn’t logged in after posting that. The site likes to log me out lately on its own.

I had the same problem, the HQ managed to fix it after a while. Have you emailed them?

I did. Currently playing the waiting game.

Good luck! It took a while to fix mine for good but I think they know what’s causing it now so I hope it won’t take ages for you.

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Instead of creating a new topic, I’m piggybacking off an old one.

On the same page, when I click on different folders, I get redirected to the Join LPU page.