This is the drawing I made for Chester
This is the drawing I made for Chester
WOW! That is amazing!
It’s so realistic! Very good.
WOW. I have no other words
That’s so beautiful and real…!
Omg so lifelike u really capture how he is a wonderful man that be missed
Bloody hell man, that’s ridiculous.
OMG this is wonderful!!! better than a photo! you sure are very good at this!
Awesome, good job!
Yeah guys, same reaction here too!
That is just soooooo… (Leave it it will extend infinity ) … feels like a printed one… damn amazing!!
Very nice!
Such a beautiful picture of a beautiful person.
I love this.
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for all the compliments, they are well accepted. I appreciate it!!!
Thank you
Wow!!! So much detail!! I can’t believe this is a painting!! You are unbelievable Sam!!!
This is one of the best drawing of chester i ever seen . Best work ever. Keep the Legend alive
I was out seeing the sky and I saw it again last night. A star appeared in the horizon, I believed it was Chester smiling. Such a draw is now my favorite tribute to Chester. Once again: Beautiful work.
Wow, thanks I really appreciate it!!
I loved