This or That?

Normal non-sparkling room water.

Do you drink water directly from the tap, or boil water in a kettle before drinking?

ot we can drink the water right out of the ā€œtapā€ lol, learned new word, I like the sparkling more at the momentā€¦lol

Would you use the pic above to get practise in our art tutorial or donĀ“t you look at it?

Like this:

originally, why is the answer field becoming such a big square, or is it my computer? This or that btw,

The pic. Anyway what are we supposed to do for the art tutorial?

look here

ya rem?!

ot the new backgrond could be seen as rain OR AS SPARKLING :sparkler:

I remembered

Should Mikeā€™s remixes be called a M. Shinoda Remix or a Fort Minor Remix?

mikes remixes should called Mikes remixes and FM remixed should call FM remixes I think,

ot hi @samuel_the_leader, hope ya come home soonā€¦lol :sunglasses:

I message the person who made this a week ago seeing if they minded me moving this topic and got no reply, and they havenā€™t been online for a year so I think itā€™s fine, so, off to Game Center

Edit: Actually I forgot to message @Aditya_the_warrior_w, I messaged two other people, hopefully itā€™s ok

On topic: Shoes or boots?

I started wearing boots last yearā€¦weirdā€¦ I like my rampage boots not too girly, can kill @purrfect spidersā€¦

Lightning bugs or ladybugs

I hate spiders, theyā€™re creepy, thank you for killing them for me :smiley:

Pickles or Cucumbers?

Edit : I forgot to tag you @Gatsie

Hey D:< you didnā€™t answer my lightning bug or ladybug

Do you like cucumbers but I will go with pickles

Ocarina of time or majora mask

@purrfect I think you have your games mixed up :yum:

@TripleXero @purrfect Answer the question D:<

Iā€™ve never played either of them

1 Like

5, 4, 3, 2

Happy New Year?

:3 nope nope


coffe or tea

Ew, canā€™t drink neither

Dr Pepper or root beer