The Tavern - Open 24/7

Looks like a T lol

LOL yeah it doesn’t look like a J does it? lol

Today’s lunch (bean burger)

Looks healthy :slight_smile:

and tasty :wink: here’s a link Black Bean Burgers - YouTube If someone would ask :stuck_out_tongue:

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@the_termin8r do you know what this is???

We had stuffed cabbage rolls with pork.

It appears to be a lucozade branded cup. If you’re asking about what lucozade is then it’s just a fizzy energy drink; lucozade sport is a still one I think.

Olives & a whole lot of red wine. Cheers!

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I just had some lobster :yum: The annoying thing about lobster is that it’s a lot of faff for not much food :confused:

So what came with that lobtster To Fill ya stomach?

Nothing, I just had a bread roll after that.

I Imagined you like eating more To be Fed up :hamburger::fries::poultry_leg::meat_on_bone::spaghetti::curry::fried_shrimp::pizza: lol


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rainbow poo in stripes with sugar? or sour? looks yummie

with lemon and orange sour :slight_smile: I love every jelly rolls, stripes , balle, bears etc. especially in that shop


mhhh the yummie shop, looks appetizing…I love my yellies even sour,that my face does kinda this

( finally I can post pics again and do surfing on normal speed )

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That looks like liquorice heaven!

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yes! they have liquorice in various flavours and colours too :heart_eyes: too bad that stand is so soo small.

I hope that one day I’ll visit Dubai…thats the real heaven


The colours are hurting my eyes :stuck_out_tongue: