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I just tried the A&W cream soda (it was on sale for 1,00) and it was horrible. :confounded:

Cream soda? That sounds gross… :no_mouth::confused::confounded::dizzy_face:

It is gross, that’s why I said it was horrible.

The looks like bottled piss, but then so does beer and apple juice :stuck_out_tongue:

Apple juice from the bottle that looks like this tastes terribly.

Forgot to take a photo of the other ones we had, this is an Oreo flavored mini cake.



That’s disgusting :joy:

Here’s what I ate for dinner last night:

Don’t do this to me :disappointed: I’ve had nothing good recently.

I’m thinking of throwing this in the oven for lunch:


The mozzarella one is the only good one from those. The pepperoni is way way too salty and pineapple is something I’d never put on a pizza.

I just got out from being a bit lost in the métro, haven’t eaten yet.

My dad’s homemade spicy pancakes

Spicy pancakes? Seems tasty :smiley:

@Gatsie Was that an attempt at a “souvlaki” sandwich? Looks great!

Also, I agree with @the_termin8r about the pizzas. The mozzarella one is great from that brand but I’d try the pineapple one too.

@Anngelenee That looks like a crepe. :stuck_out_tongue: What’s in the pancake batter to make it spicy, sounds interesting!

It is tasty :relaxed: but he put a lot of tabasco in these pancakes,i can’t feel my tongue now :joy:

my lovely grandma used to eat pancakes with only black pepper on it, and she ate it that way even when the pancake was a bit sweet from sugar.

@EvoOba It was actually a Doner Kebab sandwich from this Turkish bakkery :slight_smile:

Sometimes a cup of milk or a hot tea can do wonders after eating spicy foods :slight_smile:

The spicy pancake reminds me of this Korean dish I tried out a while back:

I’m so hungry right now. I didn’t have luch :frowning: I want a bite of everything you posted.