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The jealousy be running high tonight…

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@Jabin_Quaken what is for dinner?

Omelette and salad. Will take some time, though. Have to boil the beatroot :slight_smile:

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Enjoy ya evening @coon & @Jabin_Quaken
mee, at least no idea fordinner, but for inspirating my red wine is
at least…lol and cheers to the “adult-members” lol :astonished:

Thanks @The_early_walker. I’ll probably post some pic. Hope, yours will be nice and seeet. Some scrabble game planned.

Cheers (with the grapes juice). :smile:

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Ordered Chinese take-out with some friends yesterday and am enjoying the left overs now.

Roasted pork belly:

Stir fried veggies:

And some red wine

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cheers my dear, enjoy youself…lol :thumbsup:

Cheers!!! :smiley: :smiley:


Something from last night

Yesterday was the birthday of the Dutch king. I skipped his birthday and today when I walked into the grocery store, all orange colored products were on discount.

Got myself some orange tompouce :yum:

That looks so good! What is it exactly?

Umm, that’s clearly red.

No it’s orange, really it is. It’s the Dutch national color and these tompouces usually come in pink colors put they make them orange for national festivities. Such as the birthday of the king.

I just ate 2 of these tasty bad ones and I am considering to eat the last one in the box… Screw my diet…

According to wikipedia:
In the Netherlands, the tompoes is iconic, and the market allows little variation in form, size and colour. It must be rectangular, with two layers of puff pastry. The icing is smooth and pink, or occasionally white. For many years however, the top layer has been orange on Koningsdag (King’s Day), and a few days before. It may also be orange-coloured when the national football team plays in large international tournaments; this dates from about 1990. The filling is invariably sweet, yellow pastry cream. Tompouce are sometimes topped with whipped cream. Variations with different fillings or with jelly are comparatively rare and are not called tompoes.

Yes I know that, but that orange is verging more on red than actual orange.

I found a recipe and it was nothing like this, weird. Either way, seems cool! Not sure I’d try it… How much whipped cream are we talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, the filling itself can either be the yellow cream or the whipped cream. So that would be whipped cream ontop of pastry and then whip cream as filling. This thing right here is… OMG I just ate another one. Darn haha

Oh no!! :frowning: I absolutely hate whipped cream! I get so frustrated when I order waffles or ice cream in a cafe/pastry shop or something and they just add whipped cream.

Btw, the recipes I read say it’s like a Mille-feuille.

Whipped cream is annoying. It doesn’t taste of anything, it has no substance and yet makes you feel sick for some reason.

It’s like when they put ice in your drink. Anybody who knows even the slightest bit of physics will know that Archimedes’ principle applies and the amount of ice in your cup is equal to the amount of drink you’re missing out on. It gets worse when it melts because your drink gets diluted too.


No whipped cream is delicious! I love it!

The tompouce is apparently also known as a Napoleon or something. And the filling doesn’t always have to be whipped cream :slight_smile:

Here, have some more:

Some of the stuff we had today: