The Tavern - Open 24/7

What sandwich is this? Enjoy!

Time for coffee


Kebab in pita bread :slight_smile:

Kebab!? OMG Now I want one too. :smiley:

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They dont have falafel but with vegetables it’s also good :stuck_out_tongue:

These are actually really good

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Those sour patch kids are famous in the states

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Oh, so it’s American? Interesting.

Rumour has it that Tim Tams are slowly making an appearance outside Australia. I have friends who have found them in the US and now the U.K. I’m hoping to get my hands on some soon!


Never heard of tim tams but they sound like a street drug :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good morning


buon apetite ! :jummy:

Thank you! :wink:

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That would make a good band name!!

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It made my mouth water!! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

this thread has made me want food.

Well it was made so that it’s the only thread to make you want food. Before I made this there was food in almost every single thread.

That’s funny :joy: food is good though. Difficult not to talk about it sometimes i suppose

No, before the thread we couldn’t stop, I’m not exaggerating. Ask some of the regulars they’ll tell you. lol

Sounds funny asf :joy: if only I’d known about these forums sooner…

It was weird, we’d be talking about something and then somebody would mention something minor about food and the next thing you know everyone is talking about food. Just look at the vert start of the shoulders thread, like the 5th or so post goes straight to food.

:joy::joy: oh my gosh. That’s why this tavern is open 24/7 :joy: