The MICRO - MACRO game

A towel? …

Some sort of insulation


Clue: @theearlywalker was partially right but only in the very basic sense when she said foam but it wasn’t the sort she meant.

I think, that it is the foam which is used for the swimming purposes(sports, learning how to swim , etc. )

No, not that sort of foam and not that purpose either.

At this point I’m just looking for the purpose of the foam.

Protection? Isolation?


Ok, I’ll give the answer. It was a foam insert for my RC tyres. The purpose is to stop the tyre from deforming too much whilst driving. In a way it serves as a substitute for air.

@theearlywalker you got the closest so you go.

Thought, this was one of these:

Not a pencil grip.

…I think they should add in the rules to pick less complicated things. Just cuz your a nerdface for cars doesn’t mean other fartfaces on here are nerdfaces about cars!!!

You’re always picking things only a robot would know not these human poopies on here.

A human poopie like @evooba, a smart well known lpu poopie.

Or @jFar920 who is trying to put herself through nerd computer program for buttfaces school and also trying tocomeupwithnewsongsforpuddleofmudd

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step 1: shorten


hmmmmmm =)

Is it a nail file?

why you know such stuff? but you go…

Because I’ve seen my mum and sister use them and I use one at times too (don’t read anything into that).

metall like this

Not metal shavings

filler for a parcel?