The MICRO - MACRO game

What do you mean by that?


You closed-up on her pic to demonstrate your point?

Oh, no. My pic is not a zoom of Eva’s, it’s completely different. It’s what you guys are guessing.

Some piece of a cup?

Nope <asdfghjkl

Sime part of a kitchen device?

No not even close :stuck_out_tongue:


Clue: It’s hard and round-ish

Half of a PVC pipe? (Lol the cross-section look like a Nike symbol)

Not too far off with the PCV but not a pipe and not fully pvc either.

space bar on ya keyboard

No, what on earth kinda space bar would that be? Also there is no white on my laptop.

a bar on ya piano…[obsolet]
ok again,
the headboard of one seat

No and no. I don’t have a piano

a key?

Is it a handle? From a door or something?

No and no

I’m sure it’s more than ten guesses already @the_termin8r, so give the solution, as per @The_early_walker’s rules.

Oh yeah, I forgot the 10 guess thing.

It was a part of a crash helmet I had to wear in Germany. :stuck_out_tongue:

@The_early_walker you go

Is that actually a photo of you? Cuz I can see your face. :stuck_out_tongue: