The last time I

joke of the day! lol :joy: :joy:

today…that i will start studying accountancy from tomorrow. Test on 2nd (because i will be doing other subjects today)

Last time you loved doing something

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Yesterday in the night. I was writing a book.

The last time I cooked for the family?

Do housemates count? My last day off which was… Wednesday.

Last time you didn’t feel tired at all.

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Yes, they count as family!

Mmm a few months ago.
I woke up at 4:00 and I spent all the day clearing the house until the 01:00 of the next day when I fell asleep in my bed.

The last time I told a kid that he/she drew something beautiful, but it was ugly.

A couple of days ago

The last time you ate Swedish meatballs

Never :disappointed_relieved:

The last time I saw Harry Potter.

Probably about a week ago… “Always”

The last time I stubbed my toe?

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A few years ago.

The last time you watched a movie when the CGI looked bad!


I have time without watch TV.

The last time I broke any part of my body.

I have never broken a bone in my body.

The last time I was drunk?



Last time I got in trouble?


2 months back

Last time you ate something really spicy

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Last time you swore…

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2 seconds ago

The last time I felt really hungry

2 days ago.

The last time I didn’t end a work?

Οne that I have in mind, I started it 1 year ago…

Last time I felt sad for no obvious reason

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Last Friday.

The last time I bothered my neighbor?


The last time my neighbour bothered me?


2minutes ago…yelling to his dog…I didn’t mind the dog barking…

Last time I played games on my phone


3 days ago.

The last time I confused a person with a friend?