The last time I

You mean called off, as in canceled something?

Well… Let’s put it this way:

The last time you farted in an awkward situation?


:joy::joy: Aw! I did today! Lol

Okay… next question!

Last time you were hungry in night

Ahh… The last week :see_no_evil:

3 days ago.

The last time I borrowed a book?

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A few years back from the library. Never brought it back :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:

Last time I ate at KFC

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Never :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :see_no_evil:

LTI forgot to do something

Two days ago. I forgot to wash up.

Last time I watched a trailer for a movie/game

A long time ago.

Tlt I studied for my own will?

16th march :joy:

And next will be tmro for Spanish thread!

Last time i ate a pie (on pie day?? :wink::joy:)

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The last I read my text to someone?

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I didn’t get you… you mean i wrote something for someone. And then read it again? Then it was today.

Ahh more than less. I meant that you read one of your histories to someone else. For example, when was the last time you read “I am the master of the seas” to any friend or familiar?

Oh… i did that long back… “embrace the Imperfections” for my bestie

When was the last time you were up all night without any reason

The last week.

TLT I experimented a glitch?

I don’t remember… long back j guess

Last time i traveled for vacation

September 2017.

The alst time I felt in love for a bass line in a song?

Just some days ago…

Last time i wanted to sing

Right Now!

TLT I wrote a love letter?



Like 5-7 years ago.

Last time I sang In The End without forget the lyrics?

Around a mth…

Lti wanted to do something crazy