The last time I

About 3 months ago

Last time you throw a party

I donā€™t do parties.

Last time you had to work on a project?

A: Thanks for reminding me, lol! I still have to work on one. Deadline is tonight

Q: Last time you went full blown hermit-style and locked yourself away from the outside world?

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Iā€™m working on 5 simultaneously and have to write up the report for a 6th as well as having to deal with my normal uni schedule. :joy:

Over the xmas holidays. I didnā€™t leave the house for 5 days straight.

LTI was in physical pain?

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6 months ago.

The last time I heard a bird sings?

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TltI was out with friends ?

What is the bird doing there if you said it is going to snow again?

Temperature is crazy over here- we had already like +20 - yesterday it was +10 and for today and next week they announced snow and -10 :joy:- thatā€™s it !



Air temp that day- in the sun it was way warmer :blush:

Feels like springtime now here :slight_smile:

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Spring is the season I love most of all, enjoy :blush:

You are soo sweet! Thanks! :hugs:

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Whatā€™s that (?)

Like 7 years ago.

The last time I say something really stupid?

Last week I accidentally asked ā€œWhatā€™s the current across the resistor?ā€ :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: when I was helping a friend with their project. Thatā€™s like asking how long you fry a cake for. I meant to say through, not across.

LTI said something stupid not by accident, but genuinely?

The last weekā€¦

The last time I recorded something?


Last time I stayed up really late.

Last night ( :laughing: )

Last time I went to the zoo

I think I was 11 or something, I donā€™t like zoos.

Last time you banged your head to something by accident.

A few minutes agoā€¦ To my husbands headā€¦ And I was in pain

The last time my voice sounded different because of a cold