The last time I

I honestly don’t know. :no_mouth:

Last time you listened to LP

A few hours ago.

The last time I saw a video in other website that wasn’t YouTube.

A few days ago on fb.

Last time I told someone I love them

Years ago…

The last time I tried to sing like Chester in Given Up?


Like yesterday :joy: :laughing:

Last time I really got into singing a song

This Morning ( Hands Held High, LP)

The last time I had a good night’s sleep?

It’s been a few days… Monday I think.

Last time you had to wait really long for a bus

That was when I was in Nepal.

Last time it was too cold to continue sleeping?

Out of sadness? Never
Out of physical pain? Maybe 5-6 years ago?
Out of fear? Over 14 years ago during my first ever day at school in the UK
Because I got something in my eye and my system was trying to flush it out? The other week when I got an eyelash in my eye. Except that wasn’t actual crying, just an eye watering reflex.

Well in the UK everyone apologises to everyone for no reason so I must’ve done so in the past few days without even noticing.

Umm…like 16-17 years ago. LMAO. :joy: :joy: . I tend not to state the mutually understood.

Just now :stuck_out_tongue:


LTI lost my sh*t over something small?


Last night

Last time you did something nice for a complete stranger

I meant crying for any reason at all. And there is nothing wrong with crying and getting emotional, even if your a guy. It is also alright to tell someone you love or care about them. I know the world thinks that just because your a guy your not supposed to feel anything, but that is bs and all of us know it. :joy:

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That’s not my reasoning, crying just isn’t in my nature, I don’t see the point of it, I hardly ever feel the need to cry. As for telling people I love them, that’s like going around and telling people that they breathe air. I’m an odd person, you’ll get to see it over time. lol


Who says I haven’t seen it already. :joy: :grinning:
And, I wouldve thought, especially on here of all places, that people would cry. I used to feel the same way and never cry for anything, but I realized also that I’m not gonna be able to keep that kind of thing held in forever.

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Well there has to be at least one rational person left here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I gave up my seat on the train yesterday, but that’s common courtesy so IDK.

LTI ate something new

Unicorns, the last year. I’m kidding.

3 years ago.

The last time I had to say goodbye to somebody and I didn’t want to do it?

Two weeks ago

Last time you had a big test

Last year a certification exam

Last time you saw the ocean

Never (as far as I know)

Last time hung out with a friend?

Last saturday night.

Last time you took a photo?