The last time I

new year’s eve

last time i played games on my phone

Like 15 minutes ago

Last time you called off work

21st of july

last time i went abroad

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The last summer holidays

LTI laughed until it hurt


last time i told the truth and got into trouble

Probably when I was a kid.

Broke something



Hmm… 3 or 4 months ago now. I broke the clip for the dog poop bag holder we have.

Last time you had a long car ride?

Define long. For me long is 6h+ in one stint. In that case that would be maybe a decade ago.

Last time your legs went numb from sitting for too long?

On wednesday.

Last time I went to a gig

For a famous band? Day after Thanksgiving, November. A local band? July.

Last artist you saw live?

Rise Against.

Last time you went to bed really early.

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It depends What do think is early @evooba

For me maybe 2 weeks ago

Last time you. Get up before 6am

Past summer.

Last time I travelled by plane

2 years ago

Last you left your country

Well this is complicated. My home country I left in September after holidays but now UK is my country so I left it in November

Last time I swam in the sea/lake/pond/river

The 4th of July

Last time you saw a rainbow

It was in November in New Plymouth. Well sort of rainbow

Last time I read a book


In September. It was Anna’s book.

Last time you had coffee?

Today. More like coffees. I had like 9.

Last time you baked a cake