The last time I

Few minutes ago

Last time I felt I couldn’t help people I love because I am so far away

Today. :slightly_smiling_face:

Last time you felt lonely?

Last Sunday


May 14… Cause I joined forums on may 15 this year :blush:

Hugs dear! :hugs::hugs::heart:

Last time you were awake whole night Workin…

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I can remember drinking all night but not working… (Bad influence !!!)

Last time I laughed hard!

Today! :joy::joy::joy: Just rn !

Last time you slept tight

Couple of weeks ago :expressionless:

Last time you got really angry at someone?

Hey @spellingmistake ! :wink::hugs::hugs:



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Hey honey! I dont even remeber… i def did.
I work with people so it happens.

Last time you ate way too much?

How have you been?! :smiley:

Today!! Lool what’s happening. Everything today. But literally. Today was best combo of good and bad happenings :joy::smiley:


A week ago.

The last time you wanted to hit your browser becauso of the sign?

Lol! never happened

last time you were having connection problems! :stuck_out_tongue:

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This morning

Last time you were able to sleep for 8 hours in a night

What’s that? Jajaja

Like 5 months ago.

The last time that I smiled tremendously because of someone else?

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about a week ago

last time you listen to music

Right Now: LPU songs!

The last time you forgot what you were going to ask?

like 5 mintues ago

last time you treated yourself to something or had an alone day

Many years ago…

The last time I forget what game I was playing?

about a month ago

last time you spent time with your family

About one year ago

Last time you hugged a friend