The last time I

It was yesterday. My brother’s laptop.

Last time you watched a movie

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Yesterday, bought the Wonder Woman movie. Was very good, and this is coming from a Marvel fan. :wink:

Last time you worked so hard you felt like you were about to pass out from exhaustion?

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Right now.

Last time you had a really bad day

About two days ago.

Last time you fell up a flight of stairs?

Fell up a flight (as in tripped up and actually ascended) I’ve only ever done that once a couple of years ago. Fell down on the way up was about a couple of moths ago, fell down on the way down was maybe a year or so ago.

Last time I was zapped by electricity? (static shock doesn’t count).

You have fell so many times @the_termin8r . Hope no Great injuries… :slightly_smiling_face:

If static shock not counted still its once i guess 2 yrs back…

What bout’ you? Did you get any?

I’ve been zapped multiple times. The last time was earlier this year when I was working on Hellhound. I was trying to cram the circuitry of the arc lighter back into the casing, and I had my hand on all 4 output wires. As I was cramming it back in I accidentally pressed the button with my hand still on the wires. Several thousand volts gives a nasty zap.

Last time I walked into something in the dark?

Oh bad! So many electric zaps!

It was today.

Last time i was very afraid


The last time I enjoyed a dinner with my family?

I prefer to eat alone.

Last time I broke something?

I’ve never broke a bone.

The last time you were genuinely happy?

I didn’t necessarily mean a bone.

Oh ok

I broke my brothers guitar :stuck_out_tongue:

The last time you were genuinely happy?

after breaking up with my school bestfriend

the last time i felt high?

Tonight when i was in my qurencia

Last time you felt extremely happy

When One More Light went out.

The last time I made a craft?

when i was 6
the last time i puked


The last time I went to sleep late and woke up early?

Every day.

Last time you had a really decent sandwich

The last time I use the third conditional with someone?