The last time I

It’s rare, but true.

Really? Wow, you love it so much Right?

Right now. It’s the first video I see in the mornings.

Mmm I don’t remember very well, I think in January.

The last time you left your music player turned on all the night?

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Yes!!! I’m addicted :heart: It’s not just chocolate, but cocoa in any form :heart:

A very long time ago, I can’t remember :slight_smile:

Last time you listened to something other than LP?

Band? Interpol and Amorphis.

The last time you forgot how to write a common word?

But when?? :smiley:

Em… I’m sorry but I’m not sure if I understand this correctly, what do you mean?


For example: the past of “play” is played. Did you write it bad because you forgot it, something like: plaied, payed, pluyed or similar.

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It’s “jacket” lol - :blush: had to ask Sam @samuel_the_leader if it is “ck” or “k” - often it’s about english words that I forget how to write them…

The last time I had to work on my free day by own choice and out of self-caused reasons? (Like me today… :upside_down_face:)


Its all same here… thats also extra work than usual.

Last time you ate a cake. :cake:


Mmm, Iast month I surprised my mom with a cute little red velvet cake for her birthday, it was sooo good.

Last time you got scared.

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Last night. Dead scared… I ain’t usually scared of anything… dunno what happened last night…


Like really scared? It was last year when I dreamed of a nuclear war starting and a nuclear bomb falling a few kilometers from me.

I saw the explosion, the mushroom-like smoke, the pressure wave and fire closing to me and then it burned me. It was horrible!! It felt so real, like I was dying for real, I woke up with a scream!!

I was always really really scared of nuclear bombs, the world needs to stop playing with them! The world cannot be destroyed by a nuclear war, nothing survives this!

Last time you visited the doctor?

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Oh no… just don’t ask that… its kinda every week. Next Tuesday for braces… finally… then I’ll have to ho once in a mth. :sweat_smile:

Last time you cooked

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Last weekend, pumpkin soup :heart:

Last time you runned?


Last time you played something

This morning - Hashi


Days … probably months ago…

Last time you went for a jog

Been a few years at least. I don’t like to run anymore :confused:

Last time you listened to a song you really like, were singing along and forgot the lyrics?

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Never. The funny thing is that i can even not listen to certain songs for year and i still emember the lyrics (example, Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys :D)

Last time you went out and really looked at the beauty of your surroundings?


I read that friend, you are very busy these days. Hang in there. Are any days free? You can recover your energy by a relaxed day. Probably this weekend :blush::wink:. Are you free tonight ? You can also join the plug meet.

Sending good wishes and lot of positivity :muscle::hugs::hugs::+1::raised_hands:

I do that every day. And don’t look and people sometimes… lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Same question :slightly_smiling_face:


Nah, I gotta work tonight lol. I have Saturday night off. Not sure if I will be sleeping the entire time or not lol.

Every day.

Last time you were so cold you couldn’t get warm no matter what?


Yeah, this is my curse! Some songs I really don’t like, such as Despacito :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:
But my mind is able to remember the lyrics after the second listening and sing it in my head like a broken vinyl!!! This is a curse!!! :tired_face:

Last weekend when trying to sleep at the cottage and it was 16°C :laughing:

Last time you were so warm you just hopped in a cold shower?