The Last Post Thread

I hardly check my email, I’ve always been bad for that :sweat_smile:

I meant the forum ones. Only he who is clinically insane signs up for emails.


My headphones are about to break…any suggestions?

What are you looking for specifically?

Lol not sure, nothing to bulky, and good sound…that doesn’t help does it!

You’re speaking to an engineering student here. :joy:

Let’s start with the basics.

Size / style (e.g. over ear, on ear, in ear)?
Main use?
What will you be running them from?
Anything else specific?


Wow! :hushed:

Wow what?

That answers that question :joy:

@framos1792 might know :stuck_out_tongue:

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The logical sequence of questions to know the better type fitting a person… :smile:

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Wow ok!

Budget not too crazy but enough to get something decent.
Always had in ear but willing for over ear.
Main use in bed, train or at work.
Able to put small handbag if possible
To use with my phone and laptop
Got to have a good bass!

Good bass means over ear,
Wired has better sound too but then again who wants wires now
Of the ones I’ve had, besides AirPods I’d say the samsung level U’s we’re pretty good
Rob probably knows more of the brands that are there though


Cool thanks for the information!

Small, good bass, fits in a bag, decent highs, affordapble price (~£35) = Sennheiser CX3.00. They’re ear buds, I got a pair recently and they’re pretty solid for what they are. You’ll obviously need to tune your phnoe’s EQ to get the best out of them since phone EQs are set up like sh*t. Unless you own an Apple, in which case you have no choice as they have no custom EQ settings as far as I know, there might be apps though.

If you want decent and over ear go for the Sennheiser HD449s, however they have a pretty flat response and would be best paired with a portable amp if you want to use them with a phone. Otherswise for laptop use they’re perfectly fine. They’ll set you back about £60 if I recall.

Stay away from AKG, they have a good sound quality but atoricious build quality. Don’t waste your money on stock buds sold with phones and mp3 players and stay the hell away from beats.

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Overpriced but not bad in and of themselves :thinking:

Not bad as a fashion accessory perhaps, but as headphones they are horrendous.

My post!!!

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Mine!! :stuck_out_tongue:

(coffee for everyone)