The Last Post Thread

The blank post.

Happened in the tag thread.

From here:

Down to here:

Lolooolool :joy:

Not my proudest moment. :sweat_smile:

Sooo funny! :laughing: Sometimes logic doesn’t help… :grin:

How can you apply logic when dealing with the meme?

:speak_no_evil: :sweat_smile:

Back again!

Welcome back!

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Thanks :smiley: back to win it!

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Lol nope! :grin: :hugs:

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I will, you will see!!

We’ll see! :laughing:

Pity it couldn’t be right now!

I’m not even sure I want to play the long game. If I’m honest, I’m already losing interest.

Mute it then… :sweat_smile:

I might do, you never know. Worked with the last thread.

I haven’t muted a thread yet…

Yeah, because you’ll know when we’ll be close to the end either way!

Me either, I just ignore the ones I don’t visit

So your notifications are a mess?