You can call me also the first killer:grin:
@jFar920 never replied to the 9999 limit thing, so I never bothered.
Two points though:
Where is the description of the thread and link to the original? Do it. Now!
Where is OSC? Here:
is this the new thread for ‘What I’m listening right now’?
Lmao - that’s a real robster
( robster verb : laughing dead alone
…man he has a real robster doing this… or
… isn’t this the guy who killed the thread with a robster?..
Well, there is already a thread for the same topic here
What does that even mean? lol
I had a real robster reading this one
Let me explain it:
This thread is for posting your “despacito” songs while the other is for “complex” music
Yet another new band I found. I really like the album art on this one.
Blood Youth is a little to much metal for me. But I liked how they mixed the singing in between and some of their instrumental changes.
Hacktivist, I will go deeper in, I think.
BY sounds like early 2000s nu metal to me, the surprise I got when I saw their last album was released last year. lol
Nice thread title @the_termin8r I noticed the other one got killed but didn’t create a new one yet. Now I wish I did
I’ve wanted this title since like a week after the first one was created. I actually changed the original one to this exact title and everyone attacked me. lol
After all this heavy stuff, I need a change
Urg, I’m stuck in my writing!