The Emoji Trivia Game

Sharp Edges?

Nope and no


No, but that is the meaning of te first emoji.

Battle symphony

Recent song

It is recent song

Good goodbye?

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More recent :wink:
Last emoji means ‘how’

More recent? Looking for an answer?

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I hope they will release it.

:point_down: :smiling_imp: :heavy_minus_sign: :innocent: :point_down: :heavy_check_mark: :clap: :arrow_right_hook: :face_with_head_bandage:

Good goodbye

Nope. Not that

A place for my head?

No. Not this song

:mag: =
This is probably the hardest one yet

Leave out all the rest

not that hard. it is my bad coding.
and nope @georkost

Final masquerade

i am afraid nope.