The Emoji Trivia Game

The messenger?

You have to think outside of every box you know!!



No and no…


No do you need a hint??

I think so, yes please.

(Oh I see I gave The same answer as @rorybourdon :grimacing:)

It’s a song that has never been to a record…

Okay, Looking for an Answer?

No! Actually it’s only Mike and Chester

Sour Patch Kids!

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And the question!!! Really no emoji for patch???

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Nice one! And I don’t think there is an emoji for patch…

:weight_lifting_man: :raised_back_of_hand: :raising_hand_woman: :arrow_down:
:left_speech_bubble: :+1:
:x: :left_speech_bubble: :raising_hand_woman: :woman_shrugging:

Talking to myself?


I also am missing an emoji!

Lift your hands talk and don’t talk to me

Burn it down ?

Quite confusing song :yum: and no.

First emoji represents something, especially the thing he has in his hands.

And it’s a recent song

I have no idea x)
Halfway right ?