The beauty of an ever questioning mind

There’s a lot to it than meets the eye my friend lol. But yeah, I do it slow so people can actually understand the lyrics xD. Don’t like mumble rap at all lol. And yes, Eminem is one of the better rappers out there.

I know its long, but… just look at Rap God :stuck_out_tongue:
Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback!

Well today is a day special in all LP fans hearts. I originally wanted to do 7 songs, unfortunately I was not able to and only completed 2. Though only one will be released as the other song “Runaway” didn’t sound as good as I expected. Allergies and “Busy days” contributed for not completing the project but without further a do…

Rest in Peace Chester.

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Besides the above I wanted to continue with my one song a week. The next one is in Spanish.

Song Name: Purpura “Purple” (Let’s Take This Back to Poetry)

The song is how we as a society are enslaved in every aspect of life. Whether it be jobs, food, medicine, you name it. How we are constantly lied to regarding certain situations, but we choose to be part of the ambient of decline. Being constantly bombarded with brainwashing left and right. We ourselves are also at fault for harming Gaia (Earth). I chose the name “Purple” as it is the mixture of red and blue (pills) from the matrix. Knowing all this but being powerless to have such a massive influence upon the masses… The lyrics will be translated as best as possible.


Interrumpimos esta programacion (We interrupt this programming)
Para pedirte que rompas tu televisión (To ask you to break your television)
Liberate de tu hipnotización (To liberate you from the hypnosis)
Y cambiar totalmente tu perception (And totally change your perception)
Que veas la manipulación (So you can see the manipulation)
En accion (In action)
Y en 3D! (And in 3D!)
Que sucede? (What’s Happening?)
Como se puede? (How can this be?)
Cambiar de la noche a la mañana (To change from the night to day)
Bueno, hay que perder esa mente sana (Well, you have to lose that sane mind)
Y cuéntale a tu pana (Tell your friend)
Aunque no te crea (Even if they don’t believe you)
Dale evidencia que el vea (Give them evidence so they can see)
Que no se deje influir por la marea (To not be influenced by the wave)
Porque la vida asi es bien fea (Because life like this, is pretty ugly)
Mira como te esclavizan (Look at how they enslave you)
Para poner el pan (So you can put bread)
Diario en tu mesa (Daily on your table)
Como juegan con tu cabeza (How they play with your head)
Reza (Pray)
Tu mente esta completamente presa (Your mind is completely imprisoned)
Talvez te ayude ver más claro (Maybe I can help you see clearly)
Porque lo barato sale caro (Because the cheap ends up costing more)
Y no es solo a veces, es diario (Its not sometimes, its always)
Como el empresario (How the businessman)
Determina tu salario (Determines your salary)
Como te dan recetas (How they give us recipes)
Para promesas falsetas (For false promises)
Para ellos mismo hacerte unas pesetas (So they can make a few pennies)
Con el alcohol te ahogas (On the alcohol you choke)
Ellos mismo promocionan las drogas (They themselves promote drugs)
Medicamentos o ilegales (Medicine or illegal narcotics)
Todas son sustanciales (They are all substantial)
Para los controles sociales (For the social control)
Eligen tu moda (They choose your fashion)
La cual incomoda (Which is quite inconvenient)
Te dejas lavar el cerebro (You let yourself be brainwashed)
De Enero (From January)
A Diciembre (To December)
Parece que sera siempre (Looks like it will be forever)
Quien sabe si algun dia se caliente (Who knows if one day the decent people will get angry)
La gente (see above)
Decente (see above)
Y se vuelvan valientes (And they attain bravery)
Porque van estar consientes (Because they will be conscious)
De que le han estado jalando los dientes (That “they” have been pulling their teeth)
Causando dolor (Causing pain)
Sacandose sudor (Dripping sweat)
Perdiendo el honor (Losing their honor)
Y dejando que el amor (And letting the love)
Se apague (Turn off)
Antes algo que era tan estable (Something that used to be so stable)
E infayable (and Impeccable)
Se rompió por algo tan macabre (Was broken by something so macabre)
Cuando antes la vida era más suave (When life was a lot smoother)
Todos quieren ese final feliz (Everyone wants their happy ending)
Pero el mundo se les ha vuelto gris (But their world has become grey)
Lo veo con mis (I see it with my)
Propios ojos, el mundo se ha destrozado (Own eyes, how the world has shattered)
Todos andan amargados (How everyone is embittered)
Por culpa de normas sociales que fueron obligados (Because of societal norms that they were obligated)
A creer, los ha dejado destrozados (To believe, has left them shattered)
Desanimados (Discouraged)
Porque las promesas (Because the promises)
De amor y riquezas (Of love and riches)
No se les dio, y perdieron las fuerzas (Didn’t come through, and they lost their strength)
De luchar por sus sueños (To struggle for their dreams)
Ya no son dueños (They aren’t owners)
De su futuro (Of their future)
Cual ahora se ve bien oscuro (Which now looks pretty dark)
Y les ha dejado inseguros (And has left them insecure)

Interrumpimos esta programacion (We interrupt this programming)
Para pedirte que rompas tu televisión (To ask you to break your television)
Liberate de tu hipnotización (To liberate you from the hypnosis)
Y cambiar totalmente tu perception (And totally change your perception)
Que veas la manipulación (So you can see the manipulation)
En accion (In action)
Pura incertidumbre (Pure uncertainty)
Porque no tienen una luz que les alumbre (Because they don’t have a light to brighten them)
Ya se ha vuelto una costumbre (It has become a custom)
Dejaron que abran la caja de Pandora (They let Pandora’s Box be open)
A mala hora (At a bad time)
Porque lo malo se ha esparcido, y la gente se ha vuelto abusadora (Because the bad has spread, and the people have become abusive)
Bienvenido (Welcome)
A un mundo fallido (To a failed world)
Y completamente destruido (And completely destroyed)
Por el hombre (By man)
En nombre (In the name)
De ideas malvadas, aunque te asombre (Of evil ideas, even if it shocks you)
Mira como quema el fuego (Look at how the fire burns)
No se si estas ciego (I don’t know if you are blind)
Pero es el ego (But it is the ego)
Del ser humano (Of the Human being)
Que le ha vuelto villano (Which has turned them into the villain)
Pero se cree estar sano (But, think they are sane)
Arruinamos la belleza (We ruined the beauty)
De la Madre naturaleza (Of mother nature)
Con una cierta nobleza (With a certain nobility)
Al “bienestar” de nosotros (For our own “benefit” )
Mientras nos sacamos el sucio por otros (Meanwhile we do the dirty work for them)
Nuestras mentes las tienen en potros (They keep our minds in racks)
Para no pensar mas aya (To not think any further)
De lo Que nos enseñan (From what we are taught)
Y de nuestros derechos humanos se adueñan (And of our human rights they become owners)
Cómo hierve la sangre por tanta mentira (How the blood boils from so many lies)
Mira (Look)
Y veras que eres cómplice, y suspira (And you will see how you are an accomplice, and sigh)
Librate de las cadenas (Liberate yourself from the chains)
Porque al final habrá condenas (Because in the end, we will all pay)
Por este mundo lleno de ideas obscenas (In this world filled with obscene ideas)
No te dejes influir (Don’t let yourself be influenced)
Respira el aire y empieza a vivir (Breathe the air and start to LIVE)
Despiértate del sueño (Wake up from the dream)
Haste dueño (Become the owner)
De tu mente otra vez (Of your mind again)
Y para de participar en este mundo alreves (And stop participating in this backwards world)
Se el juez (Be the judge)
De tu destino (Of your destiny)
Si no (If not)
Nada terminara de buena manera (Nothing will end in a good way)
Entonces acelera (Now accelerate)
Aunque te duela (Even if it hurts)
No mires atras (Don’t look back)
No pidas mas (Don’t ask for more)
Es la mejor decision de tu vida que tomaras (It’s the best decision you will ever make)
Déjate influir por la locura (Let yourself be influenced by the insanity)
Que es todo sin censura (Which is all without censorship)
Tu mente madura (Your mind matures)
Crea un mundo lleno de dulzura (Create a world filled with sweetness)
Será una experiencia pura (It will be a pure experience)
Verás que el azul y rojo se hacen uno y crea púrpura (You will see that the blue and red make one and create PURPLE)


Song Name: Mainstream Pt. Deux (Memes & Themes)

Just like Mainstream from Sane Asylum, this song talks how the mainstream rap game is a joke in its current state. With rappers mumble rapping and saying random crap on tracks that make no sense, at this point I had no idea how these “rappers” even got a deal in the first place (Now its pretty evident to me lol). One of the few tracks I liked from Memes & Themes, as many of the songs were “recycled” from earlier sessions (Earliest being Same Old Story, possibly from early 2014). But anyway, I hope you enjoy, I know @rickvanmeijel did :stuck_out_tongue:


This shit ain’t played back to back
But, I’m a man that don’t slack
I’ll make the rhymes sizzle on the track
What’s up with these new rappers with no vision?
They can’t even rhyme with any type of precision
I guess they’ve been seeing too much television
They’re lyrics make no sense
Real rappers take that as an offence
The rap genre is now a false pretense
How is this even supposed to stimulate an intellectual?
When this type of trash seems to be perpetual
It’s ineffectual
The auto tune
Still doesn’t make you immune
I can still hear the flaws, a little bit too soon
Thinking your careers a success
For saying gibberish on a beat that others start to obsess
You’re nothing special, just a mess
I just feel that i needed to address
That your style, it just doesn’t impress
Lyrical composition you don’t possess
You’re just an entertainer I guess
I must confess
That your music is played in excess
But it’s still trash
You’re still making that cash
You’re as hot as flaming fire now, but once it puts out you’ll be nothing but ash
No bars
Not even memoirs
But yet you’re still superstars
Radio friendly
Has turned out deadly
For a person’s intelligence has decreased
Real music has now deceased
Stupidity has increased
Your own soul you have leased
Now we quietly watch as the beast
Keeps on at its feast
But it’s the mainstream
It’s just the same constant theme
Where the same bullshit is pushed to the extreme

When I smoke
I spoke
My mind, and tried to invoke
Many to understand the way
That the play
Was starting to display
I actually have something to say
But from night to day
I keep hearing the same cliche
The same overused gibberish and terms
And it spreads like germs
No one speaks out and it burns
The soul
Like coal
As this way overpowers the genre it stole
People think I may be a hater
Or instigator
But at least I’m not a fucking traitor
To the game
That these entertainers now put to shame
In the name
Of the green
Constantly putting out refurbished content like a machine
To make matters worse it’s not even clean
Can’t even understand a damn word
Like its slurred
Completely blurred
Now I have inferred
That these jokes of entertainers have been manufactured
That’s why I flip them the bird
And call out what’s so fucking absurd
It’s just not me it’s also the third
Person view
Some of the few
That also understand that it’s all shit they spew
The Future, quote on quote, looks grim
The hope for anything getting better is pretty slim
Because darkness prevails and now the light is pretty dim
But it’s the mainstream
It’s just the same constant theme
Where the same bullshit is pushed to the extreme


That’s a nice rapping!! :heart_eyes: well done!

Lol, you think? :smile:

Song Name: Deception (RH-)

This song was written during the presidential election, you can decipher what I thought about it with the lyrics. In the lyrics I use “some” lyrics from No More Sorrow. Whatever decision we make, whatever “law” we break, no matter how much is at stake, realize the charade is fake. = Deception .mp3


People fighting over the better liar
Either situation leading to a lake of fire
I just sit back and admire
The one who has blood on her hands
The other doesn’t know where he stands
But people follow them like marching bands
Promising well being for the lands
Acting like he or she understands
A heavy list of demands
Promise after promise
Diss after diss
Promoting bliss
But still the same, thieves and hypocrites
Are you lost in your lies?
Don’t you tell yourself, you don’t realize
That your crusade is a disguise
Two sides of the same coin
Brainwashing idiots to join
While they keep punching you in the groin
Big bottom feeder
More a puppet than a leader
But still backed up by their cheerleaders
This election
Has the worse selection
Should be in complete rejection
But, the herd doesn’t care
The patience starts to wear
Either or, it’s never fair
Yeah, that part
Where they outsmart
You, and you have a brain fart
How they feed you bullshit and you believe it with all your heart
How they give you the illusion of choice from the start
Yeah, that part
Republican or democrat?
Who’s the bigger rat?
Who’s better at that chit chat?
All the same
They play you like a game
Slaves that they tame
But yet they proclaim
That they do it in the name
Of change, while they defame
Their opposition
Even though they are in full recognition
That none of this will influence the mission
Two faces, same outcomes
Roll the drums
Paying your master, taxes off your incomes
Eat crumbs
Rotting gums
Another master when the time comes
Four years
No matter what, more tears
What happened to all those cheers?
This election
Is just a complete deception
This is my objection
Just don’t play
Stay away
Even as much as they want you to obey

People fighting over the better liar
Either situation leading to a lake of fire
I just sit back and admire
It’s so hard to persuade
Because they are afraid
They don’t want to be played
Like an arcade
But it’s that idea blockade
That has them betrayed
Refusing new information
Because they’re too brainwashed by their TV station
Brain castration
They don’t think for themselves
They let books sit in shelves
Collecting dust
Then they cry when their lives aren’t just
In God we trust?
That went in the gust
Now it’s, Do not mistrust
Even though our leaders do shit to disgust
Behind our back
But it’s just that brains we lack
Hence why the problems just seem to stack
Don’t let these so called leaders decide your fate
Tell the person in the mirror it’s time to dictate
Just don’t wait
Starring at the fucking ground
Get shit done and don’t let these fucks get crowned
Yeah, that part
Where they outsmart
You, and you have a brain fart
How they feed you bullshit and you believe it with all your heart
How they give you the illusion of choice from the start
Yeah, that part
Take down this establishment
Of embarrassment
Leave an indent
Stop the deceit
Kick these fucks out of Wall street
Show them your not just a piece of meat
For their taking
Absurd rules and regulations that need a breaking
Show them we are the people, and they were mistaking
But if you keep at it roll the drums
Pay your master, taxes off your incomes
Eat crumbs
Rotting gums
Another master when the time comes
Four years
No matter what, more tears
What happened to all those cheers?
This election
Is just a complete deception
This is my objection


Awesome! I agree with your message here, written powerfully and clear. Keep it up!

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I agree @rickvanmeijel He is blowing my mind Can’t get enough of his voice, lyrics and music. Keep up the good work @Woco21 You both have great Sunday.



Thank you both for the kind words. Yes, this is one of my more “powerful” songs with a strong message. Hope you all had a great weekend!

Carrying on to the next song:

Song Name: Distractions (From the Darkness to the Light… And Vice Versa)

I’ve done my own “researching” through the soul, the mental state and such. “I been searching for an answer, always just out of reach”, but overtime, I came to decipher more and more about life. How the human being is deeply conditioned in Society. Anything you’ve taken upon to be your individual truth or ideology has been brought up by another human. I mean when you think deep down to the point of everything, “why” are we the way we are? Why do we do the things we do? Who chooses whats “hot and not” in society? Why must the human aim to be popular, when their own self-love should be suffice to them? One must learn to accept the flaws of oneself, we are all perfect in our own unique way, but must learn to love our flaws, as they make us who we are.

“Distractions” being a song that questions what we do, and how its an illusion of happiness, how pain pushed us to the point of working to reach that happiness. Almost everything in life is temporary and it must be enjoyed. This being one of my favorites off of my last mixtape. But I’ll cease the talk and let you guys listen! :stuck_out_tongue:

Distractions: mp3


Mindless distractions
Take our time in overwhelming fractions
Like a sweet tooth, it’s a temporary satisfaction
Happiness in gloom
Which one would assume
Was the direct gift of leaving the womb
It’s like we try to cover
The wounds, but then discover
That we are bound to be the deepest lover
Of misery and captivity
That the flourishing negativity
Pushes us towards productivity
That this placebo
Is our very own gazebo
Until it collapses because of the ego
Are we ever really meant
To be content?
To what extent
Do we push to accomplish our wishes?
Only to find out that we’re doing dirty dishes
And at one point we’ll be sleeping with the fishes
Each and every smile
Only last for a while
It has been so, even before we were juvenile
We always have to do something to soothe the pain
But that something is temporary, a short gain
Whether it be a needle to the vein
Indulging yourself with work
The very idea of love is a perk
Putting all your time and energy on your artwork
Striving for your dream
How about scoring that winning goal for your team?
Or binge eating ice cream?
Yeah, choose your theme
But like steam
It’s temporary and goes away
Come one, come all, and let’s be part of this play!
Let’s keep at it, without further delay
They’re just mindless distractions
That takes our time in overwhelming fractions
Like a sweet tooth, it’s a temporary satisfaction


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What is it?? :open_mouth: if I can ask… :sweat_smile:

Heyyy!! Came here for the first time lol where was this thread! You write veryy well!!! Keep writing!! :smiley::smiley:

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Hey welcome back! Is this a riddle? :smile:

Now that there have been 3 responses…

@lpfan61 Well, to be simplistic its the next cover for my future mixtape called “One” The Big Circle is the O and the small square NE (Periodic table for NEON) makes the entire word “One”.

@Honey8 Thank you, the best things are hidden away from the masses lol. But yes, i have started writing again, gathering ideas, you are more than welcome to read (and listen) to all my work :slight_smile:

@rickvanmeijel In a way, yes, Life itself is a riddle lol. Here’s the catch. I only answered because 3 People replied. What I have come up with is blatant symbolism. There 9-10 instances here I believe, all related to the number 3, 6, 9 (Think Nikola Tesla). “Just a Cryptic Invention” relates to life itself (Also being a line for one of my songs). If Y’all can guess what the different meanings are, I will post lyrics for a song I wrote in like 30 mins lol.

I will give one away:

NE (Neon) is 2/3 the density of air: Doing the math 2/3 is 66.66666666% which is related to 3 :stuck_out_tongue:

Go one give it a try xD


Hexagon is six sided, invention is nine letters?

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@framos1792 Hexagon is defo sided, you got that one. Invention is 9 letters. That one I didn’t plan out but can be added to the list. Now, think angles, degrees, shapes, numbers. This is fun xD. Will keep adding to the list :stuck_out_tongue:

1- Hexagon (6 Sides)
2- Invention (9 Letters)
3- NE = Neon (66.66666%)
4- Hexagon angles each side 60 degrees
5- Circle is 360 Degrees (3+6= 9)
6- 9 right in the middle (Inverted 6) 9 is THE KEY To the UNIVERSE (9 looks like a keyhole)
7- 3 in White Section (Inverted 3)
8- 3 Arrows pointing to Rap Line
9- 333 (W is a HORIZONTAL 3)
10- Triangles (90 Degrees)
11- 3 Semi Circles (Equaling 120 degrees each, 1+2+0 = 3)
12- Rhombus (4 sides 90 Degrees each, 4x90= 360, 3+6+0= 9)

Maybe you designed it using 30-60-90 degrees in different areas? 3-6-9
The hexagon’s angles for example are at 60 degrees naturally, the circle is 360 so there’s a 3 and 6
Uhh there’s a 9 dead center, or if seen backwards that’s a six :man_shrugging: , there’s a 3 in the white section in the center, and it’s mirrored along the typical y axis
Umm…three arrows
I’ll keep thinking :stuck_out_tongue:

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Very good. For that I will post a picture on my wall of lyrics I plan to use at some point. Stay tuned :wink:

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:joy: thanks for the little project :smiley:
Ill be looking forward to everything dropping!

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