The Ace Masters Listening Party

Did you already post all the footage? It’s blocked.

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Yeh i did but i attempted with putting a disclaimer see of that helped but didnt

Guess no-one will get to see it

I still have the recordings :blush::blush::blush:


then post it!

Cant gets flagged for copyright

oh :frowning: oki

I am still trying to figure out a way to boardcast it

But with me moving its kinda been put on hold

I know it’s quite off topic but how is the move going bro? Have you had any breaks on the work side?
Been thinking of you wanting to message for a while now :grimacing:
I was just super hurt when you outed my quote references :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: jk lol though I didn’t expect you’d watched rat race hehe
Anyway, once again hoping things have at least gained some clarity :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeh i got a job because im awesome like that lol


Great!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada:
To celebrate, YOURE BUYING THE ROUNDS! :tada::partying_face:

[spoiler]lucky you I just want water :joy::stuck_out_tongue:[/spoiler]

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Congrats!! :tada: Really happy for you! :smile: :tada: :hugs:

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Congrats!! :tada: :smiley: Thats a great news!

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Congratulations! :smiley: Good luck on your first days