Tag, you're it!

Lool! Why am i out of like! :joy::joy::heart::heart:
What does that mean in Russian??


Three things I love at the minute:

  1. Gotham (TV series),
  2. Batman Arkham games,
  3. Listening to any rock related music.

I’ll tag @zinler and @nicmcdrew


Hey I’ve been watching Gotham too I’m currently at the end of season 3😊Very brilliant portrayal of Bruce and Alfred I gotta say👍


I never loved you more than today - as I saw your twinkling :sparkling_heart: big heart for the very first time!!!

(Throwing a gummybear rainbow over to you! :blush:)


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Silence D:<

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I’ve been tagged ! :blush::open_mouth::flushed:

1- I love to read
2- I should be working right now :sweat_smile:
3- I love to walk ; sometimes in the evening I just grab my headphones and go for a walk during 1 or 2 hours, without going somewhere in particular

I’ll tag @GioS and @neeksnz !


Noooo! You didn’t see anything D;< I’m not nice D;

(eat poisoned cookie)
…that I was going to give to @framos1792

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You’re awesome! :smile: :hugs: :rofl:

I totally agree with @lpfan61 @intheend

Это не по-русски…

ure niice! want a cookie?

Anotherr 3 facts:

  1. Better caul saul is amazing
  2. Very dissapointed about Kevin Spacey
  3. I am on fire since Mike posted: ."…back to work"

@Honey8 @bengelshen


And I love the Gillian’s as well. Check out Season 4! I won’t give you any spoilers to the next character but I will give you one word!


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Hecka late here haha

What are you sorry again for @intheend?? Haha

Worst part here is i can’t even google translate it because of the characters lol

You found the chest containing Davee jones’ (captain @intheend’s) heart?! :scream: whoaaa I gotta see hehe

You didn’t give it to me cuz you messed the baking, you burnt it haha

-candy cane shiv sharpening time!
-I can be such a butt to middle bro sometimes
-miss how I met your mother being on Netflix :angry:

Next up:
@ashesoftime @tierrabarren

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(ot how are you and your brother??)


Hey:slight_smile: we’re doing good, he was released earlier this evening and home resting
I didn’t have to get admitted but taking antibiotics as well
It’s good to be home though and in high spirits :sweat_smile:


Me too! I rated him…till now :frowning:
Who’s got cookies - I ate mine, I need more…

  1. I’m playing Stranger Things on Android…it’s my kind of game! (Also been playing Tekken on Android too, but not as much)
  2. I started smoking again (but don’t tell anyone…)
  3. I’m going to quit smoking again…so I don’t have to tell anyone I started again…

@LP13413 @rorybourdon

  1. I just came back from NZ and I want to sit and cry.
  2. I feel quite ill after the 40 hours of traveling
  3. I have to go do food shopping

@georkost @AJ_7


(get both some rest :slight_smile: :slight_smile: @framos1792)

  1. I finished my longest knitting project and I am very very excited
  2. I have a lot of chores to do
  3. Have I mentioned Brad today??? Well, how’s Brad?? :grin::grin::grin:

@intheend @theearlywalker

(@rorybourdon are you home??)