Tag, you're it!

  • woke up at 5:30am
  • work just started at 6:00am
  • :scream:


edit: Sams device s down,so you go @acemasters :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder what job @theearlywalker has nowadays

The computer repairman’s only coming tomorow, at the very least.

And no, @theearlywalker, that is not the first time I wrote an email so “formally”

SAM!!! what a nice surprise :blush: @samuel_the_leader

I already went, didn’t you read?

nooo :slight_smile:

Don’t lie:

  1. I got my new phone yesterday yay

  2. Battle of the Songs: Champions League 2 will start very soon

  3. I love our little lyric exercise and band name The Unity Of Us



  1. I have curly hair, but I love it.
  2. I missed Nickelback’s concert :’(
  3. I’m listening to Reanimation right now.


(gasps) you poor lil squishy (hugs face) too precious for this world!!!

Why are we tagging two people?

you go, @evooba , mine is just two tags away,and sbd above did tag you and ite both, so maybe @zoe_k as newby thinks it has to be two??? Go ahead =)
and cya later on plug !!! @evooba. =)

  • I’m bored right now.
  • I’m having my 2nd cup of coffee.
  • I want chocolate.


@theearlywalker Yeah, I will be there.

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  • doing somewhat boring homework
  • listening to awesome rock music though (adelitas way)
  • I failed my 5th driving exam yesterday. Sons of a bitches


  • don’t like Ukrainian mentality;
  • don’t like russian mentality even more;
  • hate everything from USSR



  • all alone at the meet
  • nvm
  • enjoy myself

@amitrish… [and btw you like to play some muse for meeeeeeeeeeeee right now?
would be awwww]

  1. I have started watching Gravity Falls, and it is fun :slight_smile:
  2. My phone is exactly 40% charged right now.
  3. A new food chain has opened near my place which offers the tastiest lasagna. Yummm!

@theearlywalker this album is good, but you may have heard everything already.

EDIT: I forgot I had to tag someone as well. @the_termin8r, you go.

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I’m still down with the sickness

Yesterday I ordered a bunch of rare metal gears for my RC

I had to dig all the way to page 9 of google to find one of them because it was out of stock everywhere



  1. I’m busy finding a document

  2. Mysteriously it has gone missing

  3. I think I’ll go search for it first thing tomorrow


  • yawning cuz had a long nap
  • could not get my lazy butt in motion today
  • I just enjoy the sofa
