Tag, you're it!

  1. So f******g happy to see here again.
  2. Eating Chow Men (spelling?)
  3. Watching Matilda

@NickGr @gatsie you’re next


Spelling could be Chow Mein
Surinaamse version of the dish is spelled Tjauw Min.

  1. Have been working from home since March.
  2. Had Indomie for dinner (noodles).
  3. Watching CSI reruns right now.

Tagging @StephLP18 @framos1792


Off topic:

Thank you :smile: I wasn’t sure of it. I literally went to write chao min :joy::joy::see_no_evil: that’s how I listen that word XD

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Hello @gatsie! :partying_face::hugs:

1- day off work today as it’s 44c lol
2- watching the office for the millionth time
3- now I’m craving chow mein :confused:

Hmmmm :thinking:
@anomalia!!! Come baaaaaack! :partying_face::hugs:
@drounzer yo bud how you been?!
@jFar920 thanks for removing my ban after 6 months! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::lying_face: I saw you felt so bad that you banned yourself for a while too and haven’t been on either :exploding_head:

  1. My manager at work said that there is a big possibility a raise is coming my way
  2. I have some one interested in buying a few of my paintings so I could have a little more money coming my way
  3. I had an Amazing time on the plug with
    ( @samuel_the_leader, @jrtrussell, @Honey8, and @theearlywalker )

@theearlywalker, @Honey8

  1. I’ve been in the process of moving for the last week, slowly getting everything put in place (including my computer finally after a week, which I’m typing this post from)
  2. I need to catch up on the forum a ton. I started to right before starting to move and now I’m just back where I was again
  3. I need to start eating better again. It’s hard to feel motivated to make anything but ramen noodles or go to get fast food (which is 3 minutes away now opposed to 20, very tempting)

I don’t know who is all active that hasn’t been tagged, continue with who already is


Whats up Bat?! :bat:
Yeah fine. Not good, not bad, just fine! :smiley:

  1. Studying for my examens , law learning.
  2. Work is great :-1: I need to get out of here
  3. Gonna be a uncle soon! Expecting my little niece to be born in these weeks! :baby: :pregnant_woman:

Im now at work. Gonna do something, :slightly_frowning_face:

@alz89 @evooba @Himan10 you’re next! :point_right:


Aww how sweet! :relaxed: Thank you for the tag dear. It was great to have you too! Maybe next time glitches are less and we come up with prepared playlist! I haven’t made mine yet haha

  1. ( I’ve been busy never changes! So I’ll type something else) I’ve been playing with my pet turtles toothless more these days. I don’t know why but feels better playing…like a stress relief when we talk like kids… (ofc she doesn’t talk me talkikng all the time not the “talkative tortoise” :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

  2. For the first time i went on plug lol. I mean the last i remember was the meet for celebrating Life of chester…it was just few months after the death… That was last i enjoyed with all. It was good to spend some time together…i feel a bit bad I can’t come forums that often but i try to be active and connected by other ways😄

  3. Nothing great affected my life lately, it’s lockdown or anything but i have same routine of hoisechores and study. But yea was kinda stressed . I get stressed in between for studies but then it goes away…comes and goes…so it’s all balanced for now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I tag @GioS and @rickvanmeijel hehe


Thanks for tagging me @Honey8! Good luck with all the studying and be sure to take breaks in between.

  1. Still looking for a job. I’m gonna apply for some logistic production work, so I can spend the time wisely until I find a more suitable job.
  2. Watched the film Tenet yesterday. It was so confusing, I had to read the plot on Wikipedia afterwards to understand what I just saw.
  3. And as always, making music, making music, making music :smile:. Just posted an update on the progress in my personal thread. Feel free to check it out :slightly_smiling_face:

Tagging @AJ_7!


Going all around the city while studying

@the_termin8r and @chigokurosaki may be next


Y’all are on deck :partying_face:



We must continue here!!! :smiling_imp:

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Y’all are on deck :partying_face:

Poke poke poke!

Jajajaja go ahead, man. Don’t forget tag Derek and Jordan :wink:

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She is working, you know that :roll_eyes:

Just in @theearlywalker defence :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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But yeah, no excuses skipping out on us @theearlywalker :triumph:

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Just kidding @theearlywalker :crazy_face:
Love you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Finally :partying_face::partying_face: a free morning :heart_eyes::sweat_smile::crazy_face: and that’s the right moment to let everything go and share my actual situation with you guys…

  • date of my divorce was announced- :muscle::+1: (actually a good day… ) but… :frowning: I thought I’d done my job with all the paper stuff that I had to bring - but NOPE! Actually they asked me to bring another sh*t from almost 20 yrs back - wtf!!! :exploding_head: that’s actually something that will probably eat up my weekend :roll_eyes::grimacing:for bs :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… Ok- enough of this

  • at work they go crazy- but not in a good way! They gave me an order that I have to make an assessment- about a boy - he is 13 and goes to school- and school …, too complicated to explain here and not so important to know the details, but fact is- to be with him at school eats up 80% of my working schedule… and the normal business is hitting hard after summerbreak- so guys literally I am completely drowning in stress- and I don’t want my daughter to be the victim of an overstressed mum - so yeah- yesterday I set a signal about my situation in talking with two of my bosses. I hope they understood my words - if not I’ve to go on further. However- the situation will last until 30. September latest. That’s to overcome- but yeah-

two points to mention at this here:

  • the dealing with employees ist everything but caring! I know I´m not alone with these ever repeating experience and opinion- so: to all you hard working people outthere: Hang all in there and :muscle: - we definetly do a good job :muscle: altogether

(switched from mobile to pc- it´s a pain in the ass to type on mobile such a long posts- plus it´s risky: the other day I lost a post - :frowning: just bc I hit accidentially the wrong key :…

  • ok- my last one today: a VERY positive point: I have a telefone appointment with my web designer… he is a bit complicated but yeah- I am clear- that must be enough. Means I´m in the last steps to go ONLINE :muscle: :muscle: :sunny: :sunny: after ALL … :muscle: :sunny: :+1: :champagne: :tada: so and What I learn from this?! Patience and Determination are important to reach my goals…

Alright guys- that´s “shortly” what goes on in my life atm - the list could be longer :joy: but yeah- that´s the biggest themes atm…

So and now off topic: WELCOME BACK :tada: :tada: @georkost ost yaaay- where and how have you been? :tada: since I was busy with the above I still noticed- not at least in the “Guess the soldier” thread that you´re back- and that it was your b-day :tada: so DEAR GEORGIA :tada:, :hugs: tag, you´re it :smiley: what are your three facts?

and since there are already ALOT of ppl tagged- you all goooooo- guys!


I am glad that within all this whirlwind around you, you remain positive :heart::heart::heart:

My 3 facts!!well well well

1.I am still trying to learn freaking spanish… I have to break the barrier of understanding and expressing myself (I understand a lot but I cannot write or speak!!)
2. I want to find a red hoodie… And it’s not as easy as it sounds :joy::joy:
3.I started feeling old :older_adult::older_adult::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ( I was watching the other day, a famous musician and he is around 27-28 and my first thought was “If I was 10 years younger I’d totally fangirl over him”…)

@framos1792 @anna834


Oh uh I forgot to reply here :scream: ok,I go now :grimacing:

1- I had a whooole week of break from work :relieved: Tomorrow I go back to work :muscle:

2- I used this time for relaxing and doing some light chores, as I usually am in a hurry and can’t do much… :sweat_smile: I also did/do some sketches :pencil2: I miss this a lot, when I work I don’t have time or I’m too tired for it :weary:

3- I’ll try to use my little free time better than I did till now… :muscle:

Next: @NoireXJasper