Tag, you're it!

Thanks for the tag @Reishtany! I hope you have been well!

  1. Just ate lunch
  2. Waiting for some normalcy to return back to the world
    3.Waiting on when I can start planning my next vacation!

I tag @zanybelle @anna834! I hope you both are well!


Thanks for the tag @AJ_7 feeling 2. I’m well thanks, hope you’re surviving!

  1. People keep trying to hug me and I’m getting pissed about it.
  2. I’ve been feeling strangely tired but managed to get some liquid iron to help my energy levels.
  3. My niece saw me and was very excited she kept waving one hand - a bit like a dog would its tail :wave: it was cute (p.s. she is allowed to hug me!).

I tag @Linkineli @Fravaco and @StephLP18


I think I was tagged a couple times, but I’ve been lazy with responding.

· Either next week, or the following week, I believe we’re going to be returning to full staff at work.
· For the first time since I was in high school (gym class), I’ve been doing a lot of jumping jacks lately. For whatever reason, I’m starting to enjoy doing them again.
· For anybody who isn’t in the When/Where thread, I was caught off guard last night when I crossed paths with a turkey on my bike ride through the cemetery. It’s normal that many deer hang out there, but that was something I wasn’t expecting to see at all.

@HakManLP @raz7 @evowarrior5


Thanks for the tag @LP13413

  1. One more week until I’m at my workplace
  2. I need to do a partial cover of Aesthetic Perfection. ARGH!
  3. Painting is starting again tomorrow

Tagging @anna834, @HakManLP and @evooba


Haven’t replied in ages. :grimacing: nothing to say what I haven’t said in the What Are You Doing. But thanks for the tags @acemasters @raz7 @AJ_7 @HakManLP @raz7 :kissing_heart:

  • it’s 3:30 in the morning, wide awake and tired at the same time

  • haven’t really slept at all

  • it’s that stormy and windy that the whole caravan is shaking. Not like a swing, but this way and that way in fast, short movements. On top the wind is howling and making huge noises.

I tag @theearlywalker @jrtrussell @anomalia :hugs:


thanks for tagging @LP13413 & @raz7

  1. Really tired today
  2. Have to answer many tags around here :sweat_smile:
  3. Hopefully the weather will turn into something

I tag @zanybelle @Lilyope @lpfan61


1- Just had dinner, heading to bed soon :crazy_face:
2- Checking forum a bit
3- Don’t have many things to say lol :sweat_smile:

Next: @drounzer


Thanks for the tag.

  1. I had some custard today, it was good.
  2. I enjoy Doctor Who from the 9th doctor onwards.
  3. Rick and Morty is on. Why is this show a weird Back To The Future thingy?

I want to know what @intheend is doing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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@intheend is around


Good to know the fish didn’t get you.

What in the hell?

While the world is craycray

I’m just here with poisonous toothpicks

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Oh I was tagged lol

  1. I am going to Greece on Saturday
  2. I changed my hairstyle
  3. I wrote a book

I’m not sure who to tag as I’m not familiar with 99% of the people but let’s see who will pop out when I press @
@the_termin8r @StephLP18


You wrote a book? That’s amazing. What’s it about? Enjoy your holiday! :slight_smile:

It is a romance novel and it’s based on my summer.
I’m not on holidays I came here to work. Although no work so far

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Time to revive this thread too:

  1. about to finish the content for my webpage, I go online to work as a trauma therapist and this is the first step to be my own boss in a few years- feels great :tada:

  2. need to go to my doc for a blood exam before I’ve to go back to work next Monday :upside_down_face:- I hate syringes :cold_sweat:

  3. the pandemie really shows everything like under a :mag:- and I hope we learn our lessons rn

I tag @anna834 and @jrtrussell



  1. On our second week back at university. Most of my classes are online but studio is open to us (that’s where I’m at right now). We have to wear a mask everywhere but there’s been about 180 students of our 30 something thousand catch covid so far. I hope we can stay open but we’ll see.

  2. Been in that anime grind recently. Watched ATLA, One Punch, and Neon Genesis so far. Watching Attack on a Titan right now. So far it’s all been cash.

  3. uhhhhhh, idk. Sauced up some fools at the fields yesterday. Made sure they’ll never walk again.

I’ll tag my boys @IronSoldier16 and @chigokurosaki


Ups, nearly forgot, thanks @theearlywalker :hugs: :green_heart:

  1. It’s four in the morning my time, the full moon shines through my window

  2. Got woken up by a Instagram massage and can’t find my way back to sleep

  3. I don’t really know why I don’t turn off my phone during the night. It’s important to me that my kids can reach me when ever. But it’s just half of it, the other half, I still haven’t figured out yet.

I tag @intheend :sunglasses:
And @LP13413 cause you seem awake, ok, it is still early evening with you :hugs:


Thanks, man.

  1. This might be my last month working until who knows when (stupid virus).

  2. I have a squeeze it in the eye since a few months ago and until the last week it started annoying me. RN I’m taking care of it. A bit better now :sweat_smile:

  3. University is going well. I missed one class because of my job, but it’s ok. It’s not the end of word.

  4. Working on the magazine is consuming almost my free time, but I’m happy for working on this project.

@lpfan61 and @derek

  1. Tired.
  2. Going to the Zoo tomorrow, first time doing anything since like March. Going to be safe.

@NickGr @gatsie


Nice to meet you! :blush: sorry I took so long :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

1 insomnia hitting hard lately
2 watched mulan again today :crazy_face:
3 planning planning planning

I tag the onions
@chigokurosaki @IronSoldier16 @jrtrussell