Tag, you're it!

Oh thanks, so I have to say 3 facts about me?
. I’m French but I prefer English, so in class my exercises are all in English (and my teachers don’t understand XD)
. One of my cats is named Mojito (yes, like the drink)
. I’m actually in Italy, and I’ll go in England the next day after my return from Italy :slight_smile:

And I tag @lpfan61 and @Lilyope :slight_smile:

  1. I’m from Latvia and live there as well but I am madly in love whit Italy and I haven’t been there ever.
  2. I am a big Good Mythical Morning fan (can say that I am a mythical beast)
  3. In school, I have better grades in English than in Latvian.
    @AJ_7 @anomalia

Thx for tagging me here again in such a short time.

  1. I had a funny dream today. I played a role of runaway bride there. I had already a wedding dress on. But I said NO WAY.
  2. I had a bad day at work. Not the first time, not the last time. But I still can’t get used to bad days at work.
  3. I’m reading a very good book. It’s on 7 people from 7 different countries. It starts when they are kids and with every page read they grow up. 7 different life stories, 7 differnt ways of upbringing, 7 different attitudes to life and perspectives….

I’ll invite @chigokurosaki and @alz89


@jrtrussell thank you for the opportunity to share this brother.

There is a good reason they call them that and it will take an INFP of the above credentials to describe.
Judging is not necessarily being judgemental even though it does derive from it.
As if you never tasted an orange orange because the label " yellow lemon" was on it.

“Judging” something is “knowing” before hand what you are hearing without actually hearing it because you are too busy with your idea of it to really observe it.
If you look around you, it happens a lot.
people look at your face when you talk of your emotions and think of different stuff because your face has told them anything they care to know. (bad hair?pfff looser!!)

that “care” word is crucial here.
you need to care for someone to observe them more, or, walk their shoes, if you will.
but people are too busy for that.
People even judge when they look into their own mirror today.
honestly observing oneself hurts so we just look at the surface for imperfections and go about our day, that being our biggest reflection in 24 hours.

I have an inability to judge what i see.to think of a murder i must put myself in the murderer’s position and the victim’s and that hurts like both pains combined!
At the same time, i have faced an absolute inability to be heard without being certain of what one hears.
there are no ears out there if you ask me, nor eyes.
they all swim inside the darkness of certainties they have acquired in their past and by which they judge what they see making them unable to actually see it.

does the above make any sense?
(i gotta ask because i honestly think i do but i never do really) :stuck_out_tongue:

MBTI students don’t agree with all that but i feel like i am here for the teachers!
find my youtube and browse around
2018 has a lot of … insights from a 100N 95P dude of such luck!

Everyone should take this test and not only once but enough until they “feel” their true type because knowing ourselves is the hardest task there is and if you are not true to yourself it is only logical that you will lie unknowingly to things you choose not to face!
www.mypersonality.info for stats (i suggest you take this one last)

the three links above should keep you occupied for a week!

If someone wants to continue discussing this, there is an MBTI discussion in here from back in the day.

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Thanks for the tag @lily_perlin :blush:

1- My pc finally works! :tada:
2- I know I have to put W10 on it soon… :pleading_face:
3- I’m usually kinda “behind” in technology stuff, but I’m not that bad with it… :stuck_out_tongue:

Next: @IronSoldier16 @intheend :rabbit:


I’ve taken the test before and am actually an INFJ. Those are the literal definitions of judging and perceiving, however the test doesn’t test those traits. The percentages refer to how structured your life is. I got judging so I live a very structured and planned out life (which I do). You got 95% perceiving meaning you usually live more flexibly and take things as they come.

Here is a link that explains it as well:

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honored to meet a protector INFJ
hard to get those onboard but once they do…

These, as you well described, are attributes from which a life is structured but that does not define the existence of the terms.
it’s more of a result.

Perception requires flexibility and that does impact ones life but does not derive from it.
the leaf does not tell a tree (a fruit does, but that’s another story)
see where you could be judging? observing it deeper takes you to the roots and they are not upon society structuring.
it’s not being judgemental but it is something i find deeper meaning to, seeing it as something worth our spiritual attention!

(we need to take this to another thread :p)

@justinkilmer @annejprado @lpfan61 I will bite you all on the face…


thank you soo much for the tag @justinkilmer :smiley: It’s been ages posting 3 things about me here!

  1. I am working on a new project, something that i have never done before. I will keep it secret cause i myself isn’t sure if i can do it well :joy: If i need some help i will disturb some talented people here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But yea this one is gonna take time hehe
  2. Finally after exams ended my days are a bit calm. or they were very busy all the time working in some or other thing and some house stuffs too. I am happy :blush: :sunny:
  3. I went for a short trip to my new home some 50kms away. I went to a mall at that time where i got 4 thriller novels to read these holidays :heart_eyes: That just made my weekend!

next is @georkost @GioS I miss you both a lot :heart:


Thanks for the tag @ance7 !

-Missing the time we all had in Amsterdam
-It’s so warm here it reached like 38 degrees a couple of days ago and it keeps getting warmer
-I need to know the title of the book you are reading @anomalia! It sounds awesome

I tag @LP13413 and @rickvanmeijel



@AJ_7 That’s it… but I don’t think it’s available in any other language than Polish :frowning:


Thanks for sharing @anomalia !

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Thanks for tagging me :slight_smile:

  • Been taking guitar lessons and it really helps getting the technique right. Learning Plush by Stone Temple Pilots now, it’s fun to play!
  • We’re renovating the bathroom which really messes up our daily routines so that kinda sucks right now.
  • In the meantime, looking forward to our vacation in Zakynthos.

Tagging @chigokurosaki


Have fun @rickvanmeijel!

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We’re going in a couple months, but thank you! :blush:

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Thank you @raz7 @theearlywalker @annejprado @evowarrior5 and whoever else kept tagging deaf me :grimacing:

Let’s see…

1- Allergies are killing me lately
2- been missing around here lately for work/school
3- I wish my middle name was written with an x instead of a j (javier :man_shrugging:t2:)

Let’s hear from
@neeksnz (trying to make you get back here again😝) As well as @manypintas, you’re missing too :thinking:


That sounds awesome! :smiley: Have fun!

You are getting closer to Pro! :heart_eyes:

What happened ? Take care, meds when necessary

What is the book about? :slight_smile:

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@Honey8 I talked about this a little bit above in this thread

To continue… How is it like to be a kid in Uganda or India and how in USA or Finland? How the things develop as you grow up. How your life is stygmatized by where you were born. Moreover, yesterday I read a chapter on how poor countries are exploited by the rich ones, how global companies on one hand use poor societies but on the other hand they boast about how they are involved in aid projects to support those who they in fact use…
And so on… I haven’t finished it yet.

But it’s the kind of book I like - stories on ordinary people from differnt cultural backgrounds.

However - thanks for asking. Composing this post distracted me from thinking about someone who had pissed me off earlier today.

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Wow I’ve been tagged

  1. I am moving to Greece
  2. I just ate whole bar of chocolate
  3. I am stressing about Avengers



oh same here!