Tag, you're it!

Just kidding @theearlywalker :crazy_face:
Love you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Finally :partying_face::partying_face: a free morning :heart_eyes::sweat_smile::crazy_face: and that’s the right moment to let everything go and share my actual situation with you guys…

  • date of my divorce was announced- :muscle::+1: (actually a good day… ) but… :frowning: I thought I’d done my job with all the paper stuff that I had to bring - but NOPE! Actually they asked me to bring another sh*t from almost 20 yrs back - wtf!!! :exploding_head: that’s actually something that will probably eat up my weekend :roll_eyes::grimacing:for bs :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… Ok- enough of this

  • at work they go crazy- but not in a good way! They gave me an order that I have to make an assessment- about a boy - he is 13 and goes to school- and school …, too complicated to explain here and not so important to know the details, but fact is- to be with him at school eats up 80% of my working schedule… and the normal business is hitting hard after summerbreak- so guys literally I am completely drowning in stress- and I don’t want my daughter to be the victim of an overstressed mum - so yeah- yesterday I set a signal about my situation in talking with two of my bosses. I hope they understood my words - if not I’ve to go on further. However- the situation will last until 30. September latest. That’s to overcome- but yeah-

two points to mention at this here:

  • the dealing with employees ist everything but caring! I know I´m not alone with these ever repeating experience and opinion- so: to all you hard working people outthere: Hang all in there and :muscle: - we definetly do a good job :muscle: altogether

(switched from mobile to pc- it´s a pain in the ass to type on mobile such a long posts- plus it´s risky: the other day I lost a post - :frowning: just bc I hit accidentially the wrong key :…

  • ok- my last one today: a VERY positive point: I have a telefone appointment with my web designer… he is a bit complicated but yeah- I am clear- that must be enough. Means I´m in the last steps to go ONLINE :muscle: :muscle: :sunny: :sunny: after ALL … :muscle: :sunny: :+1: :champagne: :tada: so and What I learn from this?! Patience and Determination are important to reach my goals…

Alright guys- that´s “shortly” what goes on in my life atm - the list could be longer :joy: but yeah- that´s the biggest themes atm…

So and now off topic: WELCOME BACK :tada: :tada: @georkost ost yaaay- where and how have you been? :tada: since I was busy with the above I still noticed- not at least in the “Guess the soldier” thread that you´re back- and that it was your b-day :tada: so DEAR GEORGIA :tada:, :hugs: tag, you´re it :smiley: what are your three facts?

and since there are already ALOT of ppl tagged- you all goooooo- guys!


I am glad that within all this whirlwind around you, you remain positive :heart::heart::heart:

My 3 facts!!well well well

1.I am still trying to learn freaking spanish… I have to break the barrier of understanding and expressing myself (I understand a lot but I cannot write or speak!!)
2. I want to find a red hoodie… And it’s not as easy as it sounds :joy::joy:
3.I started feeling old :older_adult::older_adult::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ( I was watching the other day, a famous musician and he is around 27-28 and my first thought was “If I was 10 years younger I’d totally fangirl over him”…)

@framos1792 @anna834


Oh uh I forgot to reply here :scream: ok,I go now :grimacing:

1- I had a whooole week of break from work :relieved: Tomorrow I go back to work :muscle:

2- I used this time for relaxing and doing some light chores, as I usually am in a hurry and can’t do much… :sweat_smile: I also did/do some sketches :pencil2: I miss this a lot, when I work I don’t have time or I’m too tired for it :weary:

3- I’ll try to use my little free time better than I did till now… :muscle:

Next: @NoireXJasper


Hey @georkost thanks for tagging :hugs: :green_heart:

  1. Sitting on the bedside of my grandma. Just prepared breakfast for her. She loves crispy bun and a soft egg, even so she just eat two small spoons of it. But she fell asleep again and I wait.

  2. I’m learning spanish too. Ok, just started. It’s still on: Nuestros gatos blancos comen su raton negro. Hope it is right :see_no_evil: :joy:
    Never thought, I would start on a new language, not really talented and my memory just sucks. But @IronSoldier16 just can be a pain in the ass, bugging me with this. :roll_eyes: :crazy_face: :joy:

  3. The window view from my grandmas is extraordinary and already brought me through some hard moments.


I tag @IronSoldier16 :kissing_heart: and @anomalia :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  1. Checking in here after some days out.
  2. I’m with grandma waiting for her to sleep. She’s good after all.
  3. I’m watching Spiderman Homecoming.

@NickGr @acemasters

Necesitamos hablar en español contigo aquí para que aprendas más! :yum:

Thanks for the tag and happy to see you active on here once again! :smile:

  • found out my cousins legit thought/believed I was 34 for the longest time :expressionless: I’m 28 :triumph:

-took Yoda outside into grass and she got pissed of at me for spraying her with the mister on the hose hehe (chicks always be getting mad :roll_eyes: :unamused:)

-mad determined to save random spending money to buy myself the new lego bat wing set :star_struck:

I tag @lplove and @anngelenee (strangers too busy to hang out in here anymore :roll_eyes: lol when y’all get too cool for us(?) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Sí, pero no!!! :joy::yellow_heart:
No estoy segura de mis habilidades de comunicación…


Esta genial lo que acabas de escribir! Ten fe en tus habilidades! :grin:

Ahorita manda un Audio contando una historia! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nooooo tú hablas más rápida para mí

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I am running out of lyric ideas
I do have a lyric album prepared just have to be bothered to transfer it from paper to here
I have work today

@HakManLP @purrfectlp


Thanks for your tags. Looking at your pics I always feel I’m on vacation.

  1. I had a great dream last night. Just because of dreams like that I prefer dreaming to my real life.
    Great ocean, big waves, a rock inside the ocean at the distance, a ship. Then a heavy, warm rain - so heavy that you can’t see anything further than your nose.
  2. I’d also like to study Spanish. But i think self-learning is nit a good idea. I tried to learn Finnish this way. I even could create some simple sentences. Today i don’t remember anything. No real situations for practice. No whip over my back…
  3. My daughter also said she’d rather learn Spanish than English. Don’t know why - I have never suggested it to her. But I think English would be better for a first foreign language.

Not tagging anyone. Will wait for those who still haven’t responded to the pending tags.


@framos1792 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

~ Watching art channels on twitch.
~ Trying to stay off social media.
~ Avoiding going to the store.

Not tagging either.

Very much so
Spanish is more manageable later on I think
English can be too unstructured so if they pick it up young then all the better because it isn’t so idiotic :sweat_smile:

Yes ma’am? What seems to be the problem? It’s your fault for not hanging out in here!

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Thanks for tagging @acemasters

  1. Enjoying sunday evening on the couch
  2. Had some awesome pizza :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin: and nachos
  3. Doing a re-run abd watching the simpsons

@Lilyope @theearlywalker @zanybelle you’re next

  1. Don’t call me ma’am.
  2. You’re one to talk.








Oh hey I’m finally awake


  • Almost a month has passed and I haven’t received bad marks. Yet.(this IS an achievement especially in our uni)
  • The quarantine is about to happen soon, at least it feels so(I want another session on quarantine lol)
  • Listened to Ghost’s Ceremony and Devotion and now I want to attend their live show(yup, two concerts for summer aren’t enough)

@framos1792, @theearlywalker, @the_termin8r


Thanx for tagging guys- feels like I’ve only been here yesterday and everything in my life changed already again :crazy_face:

  • at work the situation changed again - what is still fix is the fact that I start the therapies with the kids next week - but they asked me to help out in our school now - team teaching with a teacher that can’t handle his class :scream: oh woooow that will be a real challenge - outlook to further a normal working schedule is gone for the next weeks :flushed: or month :exploding_head: or for the whole schoolyear?!?! :scream::scream: ohhh whyyyyyy???

  • divorce date is postponed - my lawyer is on vacation :scream::exploding_head::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: bs purest kind - on top I received a letter from my bank that my ex has trouble with his account obviously- and this has an impact on me as long as we’re still married :exploding_head:

  • yesterday I was driving to the mall with my daughter when my car made a sound that was frightening :flushed: I stopped and turns out that my exhaust was about to fall down on the street- I fixed it with a pantyhose :crazy_face::joy::sweat_smile: but honestly at this moment- when I lay under the car in the pouring rain I felt like the poorest soul on earth :earth_africa:

Alright- these are my facts of the week… ok- the optimistic part: I’m healthy :joy: and from a certain point it’s hardly imaginable that things can go worse :joy::sweat_smile::pray:t2:

I tag nobody since there are a lot peeps to go still - stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs::sunny:


Thanks for the tags!

  1. I have been swamped with work
  2. I just finished cooking up some snacks for myself
  3. Waiting for COVID to go away so life can get back to normal!

@theearlywalker I am sending you so much hugs and strength. I know how strong you are and I know you will get through this too. Remember, these bad times won’t last forever. Wishing you all good things because you deserve it.

I tag @anna834 @anngelenee @drounzer