So the other day I went ahead and renewed my membership, but I was having a bit of trouble. When clicking Add To Cart, I’d get an error stating “This product could not be found.”
Later I found that it was also a problem when trying to add music downloads too. I didn’t check everything in the store, but it could be a common issue with all products.
It may very well just be me, as I’ve not seen others post about it… However, I did find a fix around it.
Top image is of the page that gives the error, while the bottom is a good page. Note the lack of info in the blue square in the first image. That needs to look like the bit highlighted in the green square of the second image.
At first, I got it to show up by clicking the image in the red square which forwarded me to another page. When I browsed back, and gave the page a lil time to load, the SKU and such populated. Then I realised that all you really need to do is go to the product you wish to purchase, pick some random site to go to (I click YouTube in my fav bar) then browse back to the product page.
But yea, not sure what’s up with this. Some scripting thing, maybe it’s my IE freaking out. However, if anyone else is having this problem, the above should help you.[biggrin]