San Francisco timelapse ( - Till Dawn Will Tell)

Sorry, guys, again not-a-cover thing :smiley:
This video is special, because I spent f*cking half an hour on this huge Golden Gate Bridge to film the walk from end to end :crazy_face:
Music of course is mine. It’s already around 5 years old, but still fresh :smiley:


Niiiice!! :heart_eyes: San Francisco is beautiful! The sea, the sunset (or sunrise? Lol) nice to see and nice music! :smile:

@framos1792 Francisco did you see San Francisco? :crazy_face:


It’s pretty cool to see that point of view coming into the bay :star_struck:
Do you drop in to sf often?

@lpfan61 hehe I see what you did there with my name :crazy_face:
I tell myself I hate it but I love it :sob:


I did nothing muahajaja :crazy_face: :joy: :hugs:


Your name is Francisco? Maybe some nickname? For example, Ajax? LOOOL

Alas, sunset, despite the name of track is “Till Dawn Will Tell” :smiley: I wanted to include sunrise, but it looked awful…)

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That’s what confused me lol :laughing:

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Nevermind, just a Nature’s bug :smiley:

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So you walked all the way on the bridge just to make the vid lol? :grin:

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Really, 30 minutes of making fool out of myself were thrilling :smiley:

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Lol :laughing: well you sure had fun while filming and sightview was nice too! :wink:

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Yeah, it was a much fun really:) I looked like this :smiley:20180524_130112


For a moment I thought you had some kind of weapon in the pic loool :joy: :see_no_evil: At second look you seem like a reporter… lol (2) :grin:

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That’s a tripod which mom gifted to me, because she knows about by passion to film :smiley:

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Nice mom! Now I see you’re very expert and professional in making the videos. :smiley:

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Only amateur. My profile is music :smiley:

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The videos with the timelapses are awesome! :smile:

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Thank you so much:)

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You’re welcome! :blush: :hugs:

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Nice I’m from San Francisco I didn’t get to walk the golden gate yet wanted to when I was 18 but didn’t get a chance looks great glad you had fun :grinning:

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