RIP Chester πŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ–€β€πŸ–€β€πŸ–€β€πŸ€˜πŸ½

My hearts for his family, close friends and bandmates. I’ve been watching interviews of Chester & Linkin Park on Youtube (helping me cope with the news) just seeing Chester so happy & full of life, and to see him going through what he went through just makes me even more sadder. No one deserves that, To see someone you idolize and care about who made us feel so special was going through that much pain alone in that dark place. I know his kids are old enough to understand, yeah they won’t have their dad around, but they’ll know how much he loved them. Talinda & the kids have a guardian angel.

I lost my friend due to the suicide 3 years ago and Chris Cornell’s death & Chester’s death just broke me and reminded me that life is too short and we have to live it the best way possible. I am hear if anyone wants to talk. Remember you’re not alone, there are people who wants to help you. :heart::black_heart:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Rest in peace Chester