Rest in peace Chester


I’m really tired of people trying to be “clever” and they keep saying “In the end, it didn’t even matter” or something stupid, but really it should say “In the end, it really DID matter.” HE mattered. To a lot of people. And, in the end, he saved a lot of people inspired even more than that.


I miss Chester! :metal:t2::sob:

Well not impossible, time will help you… :slight_smile:


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I miss Chester so much :sob:

We all do friend…
But we need to be strong …


i still can’t believe it, i can just imagine what lp and chester’s family and friends are going through… but we’re a community we’re here for something more, not just to buy tickets or cds, if we don’t help each others who will? i’m still crying every time i hear an LP songs… just his smile and his care towards the fans, his voice… shit… he is my idol, lp the reason i got into music, his voice and his words help me so many times.

stay strong and stay together!!!

Instagram story

i know …and i try… i`m not alone - we all feel the same


I cried my eyes out… I will miss Chester.

Thank you for introducing me to the world of music, you bring me comfort when i needed it the most Rest In Peace Chester

I would gladly join but the page doesn’t open…

I agree…to all of us. He has inspired us to live in hard times…

Exactly friend…

Please calm down. Dont worry his voice is immortal. It will help you in every worse situation. It is there to inspire you. We all will keep him in our hearts…he can never die for us…immortal like his song and voice…take a deep breath…calm down :slight_smile:

Of course you do…You will be okay soon…believe in yourself…time will help you heal :slight_smile:


sure, but i still cry, my dream dies with him, the friend i barely knew is gone and so is a part of me, on my early days i made i song call “LP style”, a song made with just the names of lp songs, even that i can’t listen to… is funny how the day before i lost all my hard drives… all my lp stuff and my digital life…


Crying is inevitable fo many…well I can solve your this problem…

Just wait for a week. We are trying to clean the froums…after that you may create a thread asking you for some of the recordings and stuff…
But plz plz plz after a week

@intheend :blush:

Its’ a relief to be able to post somewhere and not feel like im weird for feeling so crushed by the weight of it. I feel like its hard to talk to my friend irl about it cuz im not sure they would understand.

I feel numb and still cant believe it. I’ve cried so much already every often it just catches me off guard and im in tears again. And then i think of the guys… god i just want to give them all massive hugs and cry with them.

I was belting out mtm last night and got to bleed it out and had to skip it and leave out all the rest and shadow of the day. I forgot the first verse referenced hanging and the others are just too much.even valentines day just hurts. Their meaning has changed and I can’t deal.

Also the Spotify bio’s been updated. God this is just too much! I just want this to be a bad dream.

“Reminders pull the floor from your feet”- they were right about that…


2 weeks ago i was so excited that i was finally meeting my favorite band at the last leg of there UK tour and when Chester came out he had so much energy and seemed so happy to meet the Fans. After speaking with him regarding what we to expect with the show we shook hands and Il always remember the thanks he gave me for wishing him luck and that i was a massive fan. Now im still in shock i sometimes think this is a bad dream and il wake up to hear that LP have started there North American Tour. But unfortunatly its not. I send all my love and support to the whole Bennington Family and the whole Linkin Park Family, It was an absolute pleasure meeting you Chester cheers for the great music you have made. RIP Chester

What did it say?

I will Look for you when the Stars come out… … you are now the brightest Star of all the heavens

Charlotte memorial planning