Rest area on route 2020

This. :sunglasses:


Heeeeeey! So quick thing now that it’s fresh in my mind…
Do you mind catching a quokka for me one of these days?! :heart_eyes: :rofl:

My life’s mission is now to make it over there to hang out with one of them creepy Lil dudes :joy:


Oh no! Hopefully one day you can go road tripping! It was definitely cool but also stressful. The sites were so beautiful and it was fun having singalongs while we drove. But 4 people squished in a small RV definitely caused tension haha.

I was lucky that ive been at my job for 11yrs so I had long service leave. I used that so that I got paid every week while i was away :slight_smile:

Yes! How cute are quokkas! I definitely want to meet one some day haha

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My trip was this time last year. Got home just before corona virus started

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:joy: I sense that was a bit understated :stuck_out_tongue: yeah…even when it’s family it gets to be too much if you’re cramped up too long so I can imagine with friends, being bigger goofballs, it probably would wear thin quick :sweat_smile:

:scream: danggggg that’s super cool! Other countries have such cool benefits/perks like this :sleepy: and here I decided to come to the us :triumph: :crazy_face: jk

Luckyyyyy :grin:
Might be being nosy but what do you work in? :sweat_smile:

Yeeeees! :star_struck: I saw a random pic and had to go find out what they were lol for some reason they remind me of the fish with the human teeth :sweat_smile: like a cross between the fish and a teddy bear lol

Me too! You gotta go travel your country too! Between the long International sabbaticals! Haha

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Told you I’d poke :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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11 days :face_with_monocle: :unamused:

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So not cool :sleepy:

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I just realized I can spam all I want :thinking:

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@georkost why’d you go missing? :weary:

Where’s the “no more of 3 replies in a row” rule? :thinking:


I have ascended into the next dimension


I can bend the time space continuum

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And reappear beside the 3 post rule on the other side

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I’m no longer barred by rules

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:roll_eyes: :triumph:

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Except Jordans’ I guess

Liver me alone and help me poke at people :triumph:

@Fravaco enough is enough dude
Them Asian chicks fired me and need your contact info to hire you