april fools joke dude LOL haha
You know he loves his golf.
April fools mate. haha
It’s probably BS. Phoenix will never leave LP. Yes, somebody is pulling an April Fool’s joke, ha ha. My thought
Yeppppp April Fools on that one bro.
LOL It’s be so awkward if it was true though, which I highly doubt it is anyway.
LOL I can’t believe some of you guys are actually falling for this crap. April Fool’s xD
you sir got april fooled
I felt so fucked up when I first read this…damn [biggrin]
i laughed
FEK …!!
yeah you can fill in the 2nd word i guess xD
he would never do that
it was a joke that the LPA did. [smile][biggrin]
That’s LPAss. for you…