Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

So, I thought I lost my free Honda Civic pick from the Summit that Sean gave me. After four days I finally found it. Yay.

[quote=LP13413]So, I thought I lost my free Honda Civic pick from the Summit that Sean gave me. After four days I finally found it. Yay.

[quote=Holden]I lost mine too! Sean actually gave me two. One of them I played a couple of LP riffs on Bradā€™s legendary red PRS Custom 24 guitar and I started to panic. Turns out since they were in my pocket with my momā€™s bus pass (She has like this tiny case thing for the pass) both of them made their way into behind the plastic. I was so relived haha[/quote]I had the same guitar for the picture, haha. I canā€™t, for the life of me, play anything, so I faked it for the shot.

I found mine on our computer desk, sitting on the base of the monitor, after having torn my room and our car apart.

Now itā€™s just a matter of putting my room back together.

[quote=LP13413][quote=Holden]I lost mine too! Sean actually gave me two. One of them I played a couple of LP riffs on Bradā€™s legendary red PRS Custom 24 guitar and I started to panic. Turns out since they were in my pocket with my momā€™s bus pass (She has like this tiny case thing for the pass) both of them made their way into behind the plastic. I was so relived haha[/quote]I had the same guitar for the picture, haha. I canā€™t, for the life of me, play anything, so I faked it for the shot.

I found mine on our computer desk, sitting on the base of the monitor, after having torn my room and our car apart.

Now itā€™s just a matter of putting my room back together.

Itā€™s hard to believe that a week ago from right now I was in line to get into the Summit

Gotta start doing my other Summer assignments for school that starts soon.

Iā€™m just going to drown my self in music and writing. Thatā€™s itā€¦

Should probably call work and apologize for not answering their calls lol

6:07am Iā€™ve been awake all nightā€¦ I guess now is time for bedā€¦

Work tomorrow sound be fun.

i donā€™t want to go to schoolā€¦ :frowning:

I want to go to another LP show so bad.

test new sign

Should probably start finishing up my Summer assignments for school.

I should probably start going to sleep at a normal time so I can even GET UP for school :blush:

Going to start listening to these CDs tomorrow.

Holiday almost over. Tomorrow Iā€™m going back to workā€¦

My work schedule for next week will hopefully be posted tomorrow when I go in.

Back to work tomorrowā€¦ whuaaaaaaaa I donā€™t wannaaā€¦ :((((