Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

weird dream

Has anyone successfully invented a teleportation machine?

I slept like almost 8 hours last night and I’m still tired and want to sleep more -_-

The hell happen?? ? Just woke up and realize 3:38am now. Weird dream is weird -___-

Feels good to just relax today.

today i got my diploma

  1. Editing is boring
  2. Finally raining, heat is killing me @.@
  3. August need to come early
  4. LP when will u announce tour date??
  5. I want ice cream :wink:

[quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]today i got my diploma


in what ?

thats the best choice.

I just want to sleep more …

[quote=28thART][quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]today i got my diploma


in what ?
i dont know how to descripe it in english so nevermind lol
but thanks!

Its literally 100 degrees outside -_-

Never get bored watching Dawson’s Creek Series :3

I need to start my Summer school work …

Ted is such an awesome movie.

Finally up early!

I forgot my meds at home…oh shiznet -_-’

guys who reek out of their mouth should not be allowed to kiss a girl

Got out of work early = ) Party later!

still havent got the chance yet to frame my signed poster
damn it

Tired again. Work in the morning. Need some coffee.