Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

[quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]i need a boyfriend

Yeh i need a GirlFriend [cry], find me one i’ll find you one [cool].

[quote=28thART][quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]i need a boyfriend
Yeh i need a GirlFriend [cry], find me one i’ll find you one [cool].

you do?!
what a coincidence!! :stuck_out_tongue:
ok here it goes;

are you cute, female and a kind hearted person
then give this guy^^^^^^^a call by calling the hotline
555 - you have to love LP or you wont stand a chance - 005

[quote=28thART][quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]i want to enjoy being a part of LPU and being a LP fan without having to know i got problems around me every single day

you are girl :wink: , and i do enjoy a lot your animated pics, they represent what you feel and let others feel it :smiley: cool.
lol what made you say im a girl concerning that message of me, kinda cofuses me there xD
anyway… thats what a lot of people tell me too, they like the way i use those things, because, yes i do use them in a way to show what i think / feel etc (:

Just got the digital download of The Raid Soundtrack. Awesome tracks!!!

Hahahahahahaha Damn you, you are crazy !
And yeah, call the HOT line !
Well i tried before to call the hot line, when i asked the girl i was talking to, Where are you from, she said im in CHILI !!! [eek][eek][eek][eek][eek], directly closed the line ! fuck i was talking to the end of the world, don’t know the cost of 1 min, maybe 100$ !

Lesson 10

No one to talk to when you need to!

Lesson and Sermon

Real friends hard to find :).

[quote=28thART]Lesson 10

No one to talk to when you need to!

Lesson and Sermon

Real friends hard to find :).
I’m here, you know where to reach me [smile]

Thank you, i know you are usually there when i want to talk!

me is being stupid, i log out and now i forgot the password -,- now i try to recovery the pass huh!

me laying on the couch, i guess im gonna have cold :frowning: .

Only Tuesday and feeling in a bleh mood -_-’

what if reality was in 2d and the rest is all in my head?

It’s going to be one hell of a year sigh
Be strong and keep the chin up :slight_smile:

im crazy you say?
is that a good thing or a bad thing? xD

and lol you called a hotline? what the heck did you do that for :stuck_out_tongue:

well good thing, love ppl who keep that baby soul inside’m :slight_smile: , the pure angel.
well, wanna have fun, and it cost our home lots of $$$$$ + stoping the phone line -__- , im an evil crazy mofo.

haha oki and its too bad no one replied yet to my message for you finding somebody xD
ah well, im sure we will find someone sooner or later… i mean
when i get to a MG with LP guys and they see me, at least 1 of them will fall in love with my from the spot, im gorgeous, im freaking adoreable they wont be able to resist my cutie pie face…

ehm ok, thats never gonna happen is it :frowning: but
is an important thing in life, right

say wha

hm ok xD
and with hotline you mean one of those crazy girls on the other end of the line who will give you phonesex or something ? o.o or am i having the wrong idea now lol
when i said hotline i didnt mean that^ :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeh, stay positive, but believe me u cnt all the times, sometimes if not most we think negative but we don’t show it, we like to show the damn cool of us, [cool] im positive no matter what !

Lol yeah phonesex, that back in 1998, i was talk to that girl me and my cousin, both thinking abt questions, and asking here, we want to have good knowledge you know :smiley: Sex culture is cool too.

ok this is akward
how it got from ‘‘attention kids’’
to ‘‘phonesex’’

MEOW, i been thinking about chester all day long
wishing him a happy birthday even though he cant hear it xD
i dont give a F
i been doing it all day long and i love it :smiley:

[quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]ok this is akward
how it got from ‘‘attention kids’’
to ‘‘phonesex’’

MEOW, i been thinking about chester all day long
wishing him a happy birthday even though he cant hear it xD
i dont give a F
i been doing it all day long and i love it :smiley:

well u know, the love to discover :slight_smile: ! anyway, dnt like to remember it.
nice, that mean how much you love him :D, okay i’ll tell him that our Angel GFX Designer, she’s wishing you a happy birthday, and she love you a looooooooooot.

i totally do love him, i know that fate shall bring us together some day , hopefully soon!!!
and by angel gfx designer, you mean who? you dont mean me do you?

Not you, i don’t know you, i don’t know the girl hiding behind this screen all i know SD B E N N I N G T O N , she’s nice girl :D.