Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

i just made it to the second comment and i thought “wow”
this whole thing will need a reshare!

It’s rich coming from the dude who can’t handle his own life and is talking about leaving :upside_down_face:

This upside down face is because this never happened :slight_smile:
I have been saying the exact opposite and again, ACTING on it, so if i did write somewhere that “i can’t take my life and am talking about leaving” fetch a quote!
don’t fire empty and expect a hit here!

unlucky you, i ain’t goin’ nowhere! :kissing_closed_eyes:
just out of this pretentious community who you’ve just proven how much cares!

where did you get your iq test? fb?
156 is reoccurring a lot but it’s offscale :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :see_no_evil:

your EQ AND your IQ were proven beyond any shadow of a test would doubt!

and that’s just a couple of comments…
no more energy for wasting!

thanks btw but i say no to drugs too, not just hypocrisy!

Lol I don’t doubt you don’t remember what with not knowing wtf you say

Fml… you roll that way too?
Not having the nads makes total sense now

When you’ve been run out of all others, you’re the problem foo
Always a crazy in the room and if you can’t spot him, it’s cuz it’s you

I’m learning on my part lol

I meant for good lol


Easy rules to follow, especially when you are being warned to. Reopened thread.


Dang. Looks like I missed all the fun


Hug for you :heart:


So what post should I start with?

Edit: went up to Post 4167 and still have no answer what happened here. Probably my comprehension of the matter is bad. The clue words: racism, immigrants, bad language skills, poor IQ.
Why did @framos1792 got banned (I think someone else was offensive)?
Whatever, seems I went to bed too early.


Missed it too. And def not unhappy about it.

But that @framos1792 is now on hold, that’s what I want solved! Soon!
#BringTheBatBack #FreeFrancisco


What’s not fair is that he gets banned, I don’t and neither does the cause of this. What has this place become? The stupidity has reached this corner as well, and until it goes away, I won’t return either. Wherever the lack of stupidity goes, I do do as well

Peace bitches! :vulcan_salute:


Can’t see what @framos1792 did wrong, although I guess any reported insult may result in a timeout. Everyone has crazy views online. If you saw them in person they wouldn’t say half the shit they do. Never get draw into madness, it will only make you mad. Ignore it as that’s the opposite of what they want. Never will understand it fully but seems like @achilleas7 isn’t feeling overly joyful and is trying to stir commotion. Successfully. I never advocate focusing an argument against one person, because truly the best thing you can do is agree you disagree and walk away. Don’t push for a war that isn’t worth fighting. Hopefully in future these types of arguments will be ignored. We should support each other and share our passion, nothing more and nothing less. Bring @framos1792 back. Thank you.


Right? Oh you can’t imagine how much I argued with the judge about it being all your plan, told them I was the fall guy :roll_eyes:

No need to get pissed bro :muscle:t3:
Derek did what was right, I showed everyone the message lol it became more of a reason for some fun :sweat_smile:
I just didn’t know if someone from hq had come in and was the one that had locked me out or if it was just him
Figured I’d make another account today if I wasn’t back :crazy_face:

Also, what with the last post, the getting banned/blocked, the longer in battle,
I’m weeeeell ahead in points :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

Already done printed the block message and hung it on my wall :nerd_face:


I kind of want them to block me just so I can keep coming back with my other accounts. :joy:


That’s how you get banned for good.

It was me who did the silencing yesterday, not sure why the system doesn’t inform the individual, I have nothing to hide. A 24 hour silence is a slap on the wrist. For those saying nothing was done wrong, slurs and editing your post after I asked for arguing to stop is plenty enough reason. If you disagree, email LPUHQ.


It doesn’t, initially it showed when you edited my last post

Not sure what you’ve done on the other end but if you want it to stop, he’s gotta go for good
It’s not the first time

As for continuing… well… I responded with three words…lol…

Anyway nothing wrong with what you did at least not on my end
You know the solution would be for me to be a mod :nerd_face: [spoiler]you know I’m not stupid enough to think that’d be a remotely good idea haha [/spoiler]

Nice title.



What powers do I get?!

Good looks and extra butter on your popcorn at movies.


Oh hell yeah! :sunglasses:
Going to get my badge made right now :star_struck:


:nerd_face: done

End Edit
So where’s the mod lounge? I get access in there too right?

Not to be picky, but can “/Batman” be added? :joy:


:upside_down_face: thank you.

Then I just keep making accounts. Or get a VPN if it’s an IPA ban. Getting rid of me won’t be so easy when the time comes. :joy: